Well not really quite all that dramatic.. But it did seem so at the time. I was reading Sue's story about her neighbors Bull getting lose once again. And it reminded me of back when I was pregnant with my daughter.. She's 28 now so you know it's a bit of a while.. We'd flown to California in June of that year to visit my husbands friend Alan and also my husbands mother's other son. (We no longer speak to him. Nor will my husband refer to him as his brother. Thats another story) Alan lived in Fresno where he'd moved with his dog Linus, A yellow lab. While we were there Pete, another friend of Rick and Alan flew in to join us. Pete is the husband of my friend Reta who passed recently. We all go back quite a way. So during this visit it was the three guys, the dog and nearly 6 months pregnant and extremely awkward already me. First off it was hard enough to get a cup of coffee in the 3 of them before they opened the first beer! We finally had to make a rule. If I had the coffee ready by 9AM they'd have coffee instead of beer first thing.. Of course, the second thing they had was beer anyway.. So these 3 tipsy men, Linus and I would go on these excursions. One of them was this fishing stream and farm Alan wanted to show us. God knows why as it wasn't much to look at.. We start to walk back to the car as it really was boring when Linus starts barking and racing up the hill.. We hadn't seen the Bull on the hill but the dog did. And he thought it great fun to run up and down the hill teasing the bull! Until the bull gave chase! Linus takes off like a streak, the 3 guys including my husband take off and here I am, last, wearing a pair of flip flops and my already oversized belly trying to out run this charging bull! Really tho it was more of a somewhat fast waddle! I don't imagine anyone watching would have been able to help for laughing.. My husband finally realizes I'm quite a bit behind and turns around totry and get to me.. Very fortunately at the same time the bull decided he was no longer interested. He'd gotten Linus to stop bothering him and turned around back to his feed. Lucky for us that's all he really wanted!