Seems we have another nasty storm coming thru today. I've made it to work with it just a tad wet. But the weather people (who are only wrong when it's good news) are saying it's going to get quite nasty out a bit later. Heavy rain, wind and thunderstorms. Anywhere from 1-4 inches of rain is expected. That's a big difference but they say the rain will go from this morning thru the night.
Biggest problem for me is the route I take home from work. It's never been a great road as the traffic is horrendous. Sometimes it's taken me over an hour and a half to drive the 8 miles I need to get home! But 2 years ago "they" decided to "improve" the road. So since then they have practically rebuilt the entire thing. Including moving the bridge over the one river. Which never flooded before. Somehow in their infinite wisdom they decided to make a level bridge a rolling hill of a bridge. And every time it rains a bit heavy now it collects water in the basin portion..I'm talking enough to get to the bottom of my car door! Somewhere in the neighbor hood of I'd say 10 inches? That's been the worst SO FAR! This is in both the east and the west bound sides of the bridge.. To be fair they aren't completely done yet. But I really don't see how it will improve. They've already put in all the drains they are going to. Which is woefully inadequate. Today's rain could make the ride home more than a bit interesting. Ahh yes, I'm so glad someone had a "better idea"! Sigh.....