deutsch esperanto


Love a dream Conversation
words - feeling

Young man - futurologist – Young woman - linguist


Nice to meet you

Smiles at the woman:
Yes – it’s nice that you just came up and talked to me

You had a question about etymology, didn’t you?

How do you know - yes –
I’ve been thinking about this a long time.

I would like to help you a bit -

Two rules: I will say a sentence
and you will repeat it – if you can


So: first sentence:

I’m living

I’m living

Second sentence:

I like living

? ? ?

What is so difficult about this sentence ?

How should I explain:
sometimes yes – sometimes no

Ok – let’s leave it at that

Then: third sentence:

I love

? ? ? ?

What do you mean – at the moment I don’t love a woman
It seems – that I am not lucky in love

I didn’t want to know that
You are only supposed to repeat the sentence after me.
Isn’t there anything - which you love?

Let me think - oh yes -
I’ve always liked flowers
their colour, their fragrance, their diversity

So you do love something

Yes – in all honesty - yes

So you could’ve spoken the sentence:

I love


....Smilingly, the woman pulls....
....a not fully blossoming rose from behind her back...
....and holds it in front of his face....

He looks at the rose in surprise

Can you say “I love you" to this rose

Do you think it will notice?

Try it – then you’ll know

I’ve never done that before

Then do it now


I love you – your pink colour – your shape – your fragrance

The petals open before his eyes
an intoxicating scent moves through the room

You see – it understood you
it is replying to you in its own language
without words

His eyes look
through the rose
into her eyes

without words
without words


Text and photo by Albert Jäger
Translation by
Tamara Girke