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  • Movie Moment: Be Kind, Rewind

    - 24 Feb 2009
    Be Kind Rewind stars Jack Black and Mos Def. I'm not a big fan of Jack Black. I actually preferred Mos Def. Mr. Def takes care of a VHS rental shop while the owner (Danny Glover) is away, and the silly friend, Mr. Black, gets magnetized during one of

  • The Android Commeth

    - 14 May 2009 - 1 comment
    I've been given the opportunity to test out a new 3.5G Wireless device running on the Linux based Android O/S. That's all I can really say about it at the moment.

  • Still just 5 hours?

    - 08 Jun 2009
    I saw a stand of 5 Hour Energy drinks. It also had 5 Hour Energy Extra strength in the same stand. Now, I'm not a chemist or anything, and this is why I'm asking, but why is the Extra Strength version still only 5 hours?

  • We bought a new laptop!

    - 08 Jul 2009
    We were thinking of buying a new desktop, as my old one is... well... pretty old, and is doing weird things, and getting very slow. Then the wires in the joint between the top and bottom halves of our laptop started acting up, causing our display to keep

  • Social Network Marketing

    - 17 Jul 2009
    Here's what I recently noticed: facebook, myspace, twitter, flickr, and yes even ipernity, all do not capitalize their names in their logos.

  • Movie Moment: Wanted

    - 22 Jul 2009
    On a scale from "Never Again" to "I'm buying the DVD", this movie rates a "I'll live without seeing it twice."

  • Movie Moment: 7 Pounds

    - 11 Aug 2009
    I was a little disappointed actually.

  • Movie Moment: Benjamin Button

    - 13 Aug 2009
    So we watched the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was better than 7 Pounds, but still not as good as I was hoping it to be. It was also a little depressing. The acting was good, and if you can take for granted that someone was born aging backwards,

  • Movie Moment: Pride and Glory

    - 17 Aug 2009
    YES! This is my 3rd movie summary this month. NO! I don't know what's going on. Pride & Glory starring Colin Farrel, Noah Emmerick, Jon Voight, and of course, Ed Norton. It's a movie about a family of cops that get caught up in a drug bust cover up

  • Multilingual Word Substitution

    - 27 Aug 2009
    You know what I find interesting? How some people will take 1 word they use everyday, and instead of saying that word in their native tongue, they'll say it in a different language.

  • Movie Moment - the Watchmen

    - 03 Sep 2009
    It was good. I had never read the book to compare it to, but it definitely doesn't feel like a superhero movie. Going in, I wasn't expecting a typical superhero movie, but this didn't feel like one at all. Yes, they are in there, but it was more of a

  • Movie Moment: Passchendaele

    - 05 Sep 2009
    Passchendaele - If you haven't heard of this war movie that came out last year, I'm not surprised. I'm guessing Canadian WW1 films don't get a whole lot of notice. Now let me say before I get into this review that I am biased for 2 main reasons. 1. It's

  • Mini Movie Moment: District 9

    - 12 Sep 2009
    Wonderful movie. It has everything! But I'll keep it short so I don't spoil it.

  • Let's not confuse friendly with trustworthy.

    - 06 Nov 2009
    It's always nice when we see people put trust in someone they don't know. It's friendly, and suggests that everyone in the world is not an evil criminal, as it appears the news would like us to believe from time to time. That said, I do think there is

  • Movie Moment - Doubt

    - 15 Nov 2009
    Doubt stars Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, and Amy Adams. The story is about a nun (Streep) investigating a priest (Hoffman) whom she suspects is beginning an "inappropriate relationship" with one or more of the alter-boys.

  • Movie Moment: Double Bill

    - 02 Dec 2009
    My wife and I watched Knowing the other night (staring Nicolas Cage). I did not like it. The beginning was cool, but I found it soon lost it's edge. The only thing that kept me watching until the end was to see how the world was going to end, and if the

  • Movie Moment: Angels & Demons

    - 04 Dec 2009
    Angels & Demons is the film sequel to the DaVinci Code staring Tom Hanks and Ewan McGregor. I think the books were released in a different order than the movies though.

  • Movie Moment: Traitor

    - 17 Dec 2009
    I saw Traitor this week. it was good. It's one of those international terrorist, FBI investigation type movies, along the same lines as Body of Lies (but BoL was better).