It was good. I had never read the book to compare it to, but it definitely doesn't feel like a superhero movie. Going in, I wasn't expecting a typical superhero movie, but this didn't feel like one at all. Yes, they are in there, but it was more of a crime drama to me then anything. That's not a bad thing, but at the same time I wasn't feeling pumped up by the whole event. By the end, I was happy to have seen it, but not excited that I had seen it. Rorschach was a great character though. He was the most interesting to see and hear in the movie. I know he's probably a favourite pick of many, but it wasn't for his violent nature, or his ability to kick ass that I gravitated to. His actions weren't the best part for me, but his character was.

The rest of the cast was just alright. No one else really jumped off the screen for me.

I'm going to try not to unveil any plot points here, but I am going to talk about the purpose I percieved from the ending.

I think I get the point the movie was trying to make, which is that the end justify the means. While I'm not going move into a discussion about that, I felt the ending of the movie was fairytalish or hollywoodized. I didn't think it kept in line with the rest of theme of the movie. Anyway, that's all I'm going to say about that.

In the end it was good, and I would watch it again if it just happens to be on (and nothing else is), but I don't see myself doing anything proactive to get another viewing.