Pay attention at the back ...

Just realised the other day that an ipernity milestone has passed me by almost unnoticed: my photostream, which was started after the great flickr debacle last year, has achieved over 20,000 visits!

Now I appreciate that those are not single unique visitors, but merely the number of hits. However, I still think that's mighty impressive especially when you think that many that came across from flickr migrated back there saying that ipernity was too quiet.

I must admit I wondered if that might be the case too, but I decided to stick with it and so last December I took out Club membership to show my commitment.

That will be coming up for renewal fairly soon and I'll certainly be renewing it. I now have 19 albums on ipernity and am keen to begin adding even more, but from now on those will mainly be featuring more recent events that I've never had on show.

I will still be raiding the archives from time to time though and putting up photos from many, many years ago, but like I say most of my uploads from now on will be new and 'fresh out the box'.

However, they won't just be automotive shots as since joining The Sunday Challenge group here on ipernity I've become increasingly interested in more general photography.

Check out my Other Stuff album if you'd like to see more of these kinds of shots as that's where I tend to store them.

Anyway, the bottom line is I'm here to stay. Great news if you like the kind of photos I take. Not so good if you don't, but then you could always go back to flickr ... on second thoughts maybe not!

Seriously, thanks to everyone who has visited my photostream over this first year or so especially those who have left comments and/or added my images into their faves.

Your kind remarks and encouragement are much appreciated.

Best wishes