Steve Bucknell's most appreciated articles

  • Pylon

    - 5 favorites
    It Lives!
    Pylon the breeze carries traffic sounds across a tractor- scarred farmland... pylons above the bypass reiterate the vantage point of a buzzard...houses with grey blue slates ... nearly rhythmical murmur of the pines and far-heard traffic ... that’s how it always starts ... the engine of the reservoir, the soft light starts the red brick mantles of estates... the woman has her left arm raised to shoulder level and bent at the elbow ... that gesture... this, together with the smile that i…

  • Angelus

    - 4 favorites
    The Angel of History
    Angel threadbare cloth straw wings fringed puzzled grey imp indistinct as water stained gesture perhaps raised elbows feet or heave to turn chiffon spread grave dweller grist of creasing Dust lit stone yards of soft acid flowers rain tattered shimmer may you in what in what mud lips mouth shape as if to speak or fill with sleep the run black gutters street through the falls Debris twisted pipes pulled extruded wings wired deep houses fall through ear…

  • Delve

    - 2 favorites
    Delve Delve granite phone call suppose interim corners until unopened cluster paint as passage inert silk covers one breast look baroque perforations begin to snow lights were left on to encourage others To adopt pears and wait until they ripen fail and crease pieces held only by the surrounding and expanding acreage of hedge skirts we bit into by mistake but suffered no evil consequences One from the other gouged in some sandpaper pricked en…

  • Sleep

    - 2 favorites
    Sleep Sleep has mountains queer ladders descending catacombs of melancholic mumbling offering extracurricular activities sweet matriculations swings sharp suits ballrooms dresses Gowns in decrepit deco end of the pier pavilions abandoned skate parks ski slopes strewn with tiny silver aqualungs for deep blue vapour moonlight tie your hair and put your pale Shoes on drift together in disturbed ash tree buds susceptible to mirrors sudden u…

  • Tax Dodge

    - 2 favorites
    That 2020 feeling
    Tax Dodge Spiral confounding steps that porous sense with filling waters sediments voice is raining into tried to hear that low frequency trough or carrier a part general flare lit the walls in their sinking So fervent so was it obviously leant in the far corner as used up sand from an hourglass repetitious lightly apart at this location of evidence laced before the unconvinced souls were listening And lessening strands plaited silt made gen…

  • Foam

    - 2 favorites
    Foam Foam skirts agreed decorative collagen fringes in quilted hollow drains linger lingering crusts lips dry access to scrap by backwash teeter brushed pallor cross currents rich will Deliver acts of spume the indulgence of congealing purpose diffuse distance coffee in the middle of the deterioration hole after involuntary stages had bypassed via the window gaps Now packed behind books covered with finger monuments so called languished…

  • Reabsorption

    - 1 favorite
    Reabsorption Reabsorption The familiar tumult calmed and extensive at the end of the energy often rises into the need and continues to foreshadow changes as well as loss nothing can alter the way that break Happens each instance is common among several recognised features and not one of them has precedence when the terms come to be realigned as they begin to sound and pattern stage After stage no associations materialise yet what…

  • Components

    - 1 favorite
    Components Crypt plural washed motional distancing a move in part only tempered who before left the sensation of its strength was set in the way of the latest did not alter the outcome of these Then slow was need and out said curtail every found she and her sewing hand to mouth to leg breech was the way Halliwell had motioned a path at a distance from what had always been But it was something else we said there her shoulder perhaps…

  • This

    - 1 favorite
    This This Steady state stream floor island use of breath to slow breadth and touched this seems sensed given following the only thus revealed to go here exist or disappear from Beneath gained ground feel all equal solid and complete appraisal affirms a present tense existence felt all sound arrived at once defined cushioned waves shored as felt That could enough readiness rest ahead stand for a moment the wide court inheren…

  • Prediction

    - 1 favorite
    Prediction Prediction Treacle event audible anchor reversed split manoeuvred night sink and grip back to back close as peeled orange is living for the zest it was advertised to be unconscious but a better way Than when we looked for the start of a new tin of syrup is always a needed leverage substance until the point of the lid was placed as the essential mucus of the snail we had been Yesterday in the garden the stones there were…

  • Internal

    - 1 favorite
    Internal Internal Distance where the old operatives scarred tight pull sealed the different the same steps of lost parts lead on and over the steady traffic the steady state worn Sense of the what’s left among the furrows the seed said the seed grew wet mashed sour grey together was never thrown seasons shrivelled in the filled ditches of the dead The year drawn pressed in squashed face down full masked crushed until it’s de…

  • Crawl

    - 1 favorite
    Crawl from shell lids half shut neck born again glass sweating speechlessness of a kind face contorted by rictus as if already embalmed in the corridors of the asylum these spirits smoke Mutter tremor habits circumscribed pillowed bricks sweat out largactil stelazine orphenadrine white blue yellow sucked into places much the same indifference forgetting crawled upright Glazed to the opening where it fell into a corner of your fingers the nicotine br…

  • The Usual Poem

    - 1 favorite
    This is another of those teetering one-on-top of-the-other Jenga poems about the spidery cracks about the flaws in our armour holes in our hands dry rot black spores x-ray machines white shadows sorrows etc cracks in the ceiling fissures in the floor snowfall in the prefecture of Ishikawa and here are we light-headed walking with a camera through the picturesque Lakes…

  • Day

    - 1 favorite
    In the Studio
    Day Day Day of obscure origin scrutiny falls the adjacent horizon the deserted curve also at the root meaning to burn transfuse shine as currents braid hair that rhythm walking supposed New sequences each layer laid one over under makes blur and difficult to see angels so the only reliable sustainable mode is to proceed by counting sheep in the dinted sky It wears away the eyes of the beholder because of echoing multitudes of different spac…

  • Air

    - 1 favorite
    Air Air Air vanish vanishing aspect and spec a step down and not stopping by any cold wrist turned cool to the first in the ship fused the mast with this opened air breath lifted out and set Silence to silence led crested in some way as the ice was so clear you had to touch it to know where it was beginning to change by that unthinking iteration of empty breath Days formed out of movement each switch and transfer inside e…

  • Negligible

    - 1 favorite
    Negligible Negligible Shaped and scraped offered no reasonable solution orbit was calculated in the event by event manner that took hold relentlessly on Blue Monday the 18 of 2021 on the treadmill We were confined many times ever disoriented an empty feeling overwhelmed as we lay in vivo reading established law you would come to value some small part of the human Comedy or find it so funny that laughter induced a few odd…

  • Enough

    - 1 favorite
    Enough Enough would offer a side of well lit lemon rind said sharply as if the underlying grid dissolved for more than an inch or two it was there we lay to fold when not was the better perhaps hindseeing Was irritating the others who trailed the meat across their lips for hours did not matter wore on until malpractice came to define our present shamed hair emotions so many were saying don’t go Back but we had not had the distance we requi…

  • Midwinter

    - 1 favorite
    Midwinter Midwinter thought so in absentia by now clearly and left as was walked onto the pavement which was moving slightly instead follow the roots arrayed under the indecisive trees In absentia more to be by the omission was led away back to a miniseries was made no one starred no one played music stirred as fortunate collected invasive the less interference Was better was coated with quicklime on the face shadowed sugared in th…

  • Corals

    - 1 favorite
    title Corals Or letters of deflection the glass jar wall thinning out near the skirting board apology offered but how sincerely I don’t even for a moment think are but the way trees begin to grow limits Out and in towards a point of recent and future departure difficulties it’s hard to finesse there is a state perhaps theory can be worked in to a different conclusion than the passage Continuing to flow through the corals of morn…

21 articles in total