P.R.Baptista's most commented articles

  • Sebastião Salgado ( Group)

    photo Pierre-Olivier Deschamps We created a group named Sebastião Salgado .The objetive is to gather, taking as reference the work of the Brazilian photographer , documents ( photos and texts) which refer to the understanding of Photography as a form of expression that has to do at the same time with aesthetic categories as well social commitment. The participation occurs since the moment of an invitation to include a photo in the group. If accepted the photographer becomes an Exhibitor and…

  • Siegfried Vogel ( Reviewed Photography Gallery)

    " Move!" ...some of his photos are a constant defy to interpretation first because interpreting photography can be an almost impossible task ( some I am sure must think a waste of time) but, in this case, mostly because they send us to a different realm of perception... I must confess photos like this make me feel helpless so many are the fields and corners of our mind and our unconscious they touch... P.R.Baptista

  • Sara Facio: "Si una foto no es buena no late" (*)

    Sara Facio
    Sara Facio es una de las grandes fotógrafas de Argentina. Su lente retrató a grandes personalidades como Julio Cortázar, María Elena Walsh, Pablo Neruda, Astor Piazzolla y Ernesto Sábato. Cuenta que Buenos Aires fue cambiando sus colores a partir del vestuario de su gente. En entrevista al periodico La Prensa, declara: - ¿Qué sería para usted una buena fotografía? - Creo que es como en todas las expresiones artísticas, no es fácil de explicar. ¿Cómo explicás que una sinfonía de Beeth…

  • "Guarda-chuva Abatido" (Parapluie Abattu)

    ... a questão com relação à expressão é que se muitos entenderem o que quer transmitir. ela poderá estar sendo explicita demais; mas, ao contrário, se muito poucos ou até mesmo ninguém entender, ela estará fechada em seu hermetismo ... P.R.Baptista .. la question concernant l'expression, c'est que si beaucoup de gens trouvent le sens qu'on veut transmettre , elle peut devenir trop explicite; mais, au contraire, si personne ne peut saisir le sens, elle restera hermétique ...


    photo "Chacun son monde" - Enrique U.M. I want to thank everyone who participated in the group REVIEWED PHOTOGRAPHY. The group currently has 26 members with 118 photos. Siegfried Vogel, Aref Nammari, Armin Fuchs and Midwesternstock have the largest number of holdings but all, like Enrique,Klimt, Sabine Barras,Leo Fisheye, and others, have important contribuitions. Aref Nammari, by the richness of his comments, is an outstanding member. Taking into account the strict rules of the group…

  • Villa- Lobos (1887-1959)

    Bachiana Brasileira, n° 5, Aria Cantilena http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekWmb_Pytjs&feature=related Preludes 3 & 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbW4rYYKxhg&feature=related

  • The Reviewed Photography Gallery

    .. "Little by little it is becoming possible to constitute a Reviewed Photography Gallery" ... (Read more)


    Com esta foto de Aref Namari , FOTOGRAFIA REVISTA completou 100 contribuições dos membros do ipernity. Mesmo que nosso objetivo não seja quantidade, mas qualidade, o fato é significativo. Temos agora uma segunda fase, quando as fotos já recebidas e aquelea que virão serão objecto de renovada reflexão e atenção. With this photo by Aref Namari REVIEWED PHOTOGRAPHY has completed 100 contributions from Ipernity members. Even if our aim is not quantity but quality, the fact is significative. We have now a second stage where the photos already submited and those to come will be subject of further consideration and renewed attention . Photo: "Lines,Light and Shadow", Aref Nammari

  • Cartola (1908–1980)

    - 1 comment
    "Alvorada" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEHA2F5cmok&feature=related More information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartola

  • João Gilberto e Tom Jobim ( Bossa-Nova)

    - 1 comment
    "Desafinado" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOkJKxC3l-0

  • Música Brasileira (Brazilian Music)

    - 1 comment
    Erudite Cláudio Santoro (1919–1989) "Carobamdé" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2coi1WpYNQo&feature=related Música Popular Brasileira ( MPB) Antes da Bossa Nova ( before Bossa Nova) "Brasileirinho" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnR5fJz8Qck&feature=related Altamiro Carrilho tocando Pixinguinha - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MmAFay6nmE&feature=related Clementina de Jesus - " Marinheiro Só" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQMBOlzajEg&feature=related…