Alison Meier's favorite articles

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  • Far Away - Ao Longe

    I feel myself a tired steed I don't give up breathless at the gallop through the blue track that whips my face as fast as the reflexes of the far away mountain blind me I don't know if the decomposed light into its own spectrum charms me I dream so close of myself that I think I am an utopia of a poet incarcerated in himself surprised by the mystery of life muddled obsessed by the uncertainty to reach the mountain's foot if a heart arrest paralyzes me or my dream smashes into a…

  • Solitude - Solidão

    Wake Up By Dawn
    You that feel solitude as belonging only to you let the time goes by cause there are more persons who love non-existent silences dawns slow coming to whom don't want wake up thoughts that stay by night alone without moonlight and there also are more persons who want to realize moments desire of fresh water manure' smell in the fields. You that feel solitude as belonging only to you let the stream flow wake up by dawn your thoughts are poems in our nights alone without moonlight.…