The Chesapeake Bay Insulator Club is hosting the Shrewsbury show at the fire department from 9:00AM to 2:00PM. I will be attending as it is only a 1 hour and 48 minute drive from my house. I thought I would share a list of glass that I want to get within my life time.
1.) CD 331
2.) CD 320 carnival or clear
3.) CD 248/311/311 clear
4.) CD 248/311/311 aqua
5.) CD 303/310
6.) CD 304/310
7.) CD 162 cobalt blue
8.) CD 162 root beer amber
9.) CD 214 7-up green
10.) CD 162 7-up green
11.) CD 240.5
12.) CD 302
13.) CD 249
14.) CD 286
15.) CD 151

I'm sure if I do get lucky enough to get them all it will probably cost me a lot of money!