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Publication date  /  2019  /  March   -   9 articles

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  • While it lasted

    - 01 Mar 2019 - 5 comments
    After almost a week of fine weather, plenty of sunshine, and warm temperatures, we succumbed to rain here on Thursday and decidedly cooler temperatures. It was nice while it lasted. I’ve had a week of laundry being dried outside, and no heating on. Bliss.

  • The Awards

    - 06 Mar 2019 - 8 comments
    We’ve all heard of the Oscars, and film and TV awards, to name but a few, however I’ve decided to hold my own awards. I’ve mulled things over, and below, in no particular order, are the prize winners. The award for Destroying Various Kitchen Items goes

  • Snow

    - 10 Mar 2019 - 8 comments
    After a week of sunshine and warm temperatures a while back, we’ve had noting but rain and wind ever since, and Sunday morning we awoke to a light dusting of snow for goodness’ sake. It’s windy, bitterly cold, and I’m so over winter now. It’s a mere 10

  • No Good Deed...

    - 14 Mar 2019 - 7 comments
    The billing systems in England, or at least my part, are very different from where I used to live in Wales. In Wales, we had Welsh Water, no choice, that was it, however the annual bill could be paid over 12 months by direct debit which made it less

  • Noise

    - 19 Mar 2019 - 10 comments
    I’ve commented before about the pro’s of living near a town centre; easy access to shops, library, GP and so on, the con of living here, is also proximity to all the shops and of course the people. For over a week, the freaking circus was in town and we

  • Loose End

    - 23 Mar 2019 - 12 comments
    These past few days I wouldn’t say that I’m bored, however I have felt at a loose end. The weather has improved somewhat and whilst glorious sunshine hasn’t been much in abundance, neither has wind and rain for which I’m grateful. Since Thursday I’ve

  • Oh my, Pie

    - 25 Mar 2019 - 9 comments
    Steak and Ale Pie Ingredients: 1 tbsp oil 1 medium onion – sliced Mushrooms – sliced (optional) 2 tbsp plain flour Salt, black pepper 1 tsp dried mixed herbs 500g diced beef – I like Aberdeen Angus from Lidl 1 bay leaf 300ml dark ale or stout – I use

  • I Can't Understand

    - 28 Mar 2019 - 12 comments
    Although I’m part of the human race – a declaration my son does occasionally doubt – I often find myself people watching in a rather detached manner. Wednesday, my son had to attend a ‘module choice’ talk in readiness for year 3, the final year of his

  • Dreams

    - 31 Mar 2019 - 6 comments
    I’m a dreamer, always was, always will be. I don’t see it as a character flaw, or something to be proud of, I just am. In my youth, I’d like nothing better than window shopping in stores I couldn’t afford; just looking at nice things and hoping one day