In work we’re back to what passes for normal around here; students are back, being noisy, and smoking where they’re not supposed to. Oh well, it was nice whilst it lasted. I had a good laugh the one day; we have a site where we can post questions and someone from management will provide the answers. Someone asked what many of us I’m sure are thinking. Basically that many of Us have lost our jobs, disproportionately so compared to Them, and when one of Us is up for a job against one of Them then we don’t get the job. Of course it was denied, however it does prove that I’m not the only one who’s noticed this.

My son is going for a job interview this afternoon. It’s only a Saturday job, however if he gets it the experience will do him good. He looked so smart, and had even put a tie on and managed to tie it correctly. When he was in school, I used to stand behind him on the stairs, and do his tie for him; he could never grasp how it’s done. He went on the internet, saw a video, and managed to do it himself today. I’m so proud ;)

Sleep wise I had quite a few good nights followed by 2 really bad nights where my shin was throbbing again and I was having bad dreams. Last night I was in bed with a hot water bottle on my shin and thankfully slept for 7 hours though today I’ve been a bit ‘fuddled.’ I’m finding it hard to concentrate, and forgetting things. If I can, I’ll slope off early and hopefully will have another good night as I’m tired already. I think I did too much the one day; I’d taken the dog for a good walk, been shopping to two different centres, done a fair bit of driving, made dinner and so on. My thanks was a painful shin again and a bad night. On Sunday I had an easier day and had a much better night. Swings and roundabouts…

I forgot to mention; I’ve managed to stop the washing machine from leaking. I’d tried everything they suggested in the booklet that came with the machine but to no avail. I went online to get a phone number for an engineer, and found some useful videos that the manufacturer had posted. One showed how to remove the drawer, and how to clean it all correctly, and to clean just inside where the drawer fits, and hey presto, no more leaks. I knew you were all worried about that LOL

The lovely sunny weather has been nice though we’ve had a few very cool starts and last night I put the heating on for an hour before bed. The sunshine always cheers me up and my potted plants are coming on a treat. My plants are like a little oasis in a sea of concrete. The cherry tree is coming into blossom, and the two mature flowering cherries in the street are simply beautiful. I love it when the wind blows some of the blossoms; it looks like pink snow and the front gardens are littered with pretty pink petals. I love spring time. Have a great week.