Well, as expected, my son was punished for not adequately looking for work over the Christmas period. There were 2 weeks where he couldn’t find enough jobs to apply for, and the punishment is loss of JSA for 4 weeks. So, no money from him for me for 4 weeks, which when you get right down to it, means less money for groceries because I can’t skimp on the rent. Nice one. Meanwhile, my neighbour who has never worked a day in her life has the gall to complain to me that she’s bored!

I have 2 more months of car payments to make, and at least I’ll then be a little better off every month. A decent pay rise would be nice, but we all know that’s not going to happen. On the news this week, Cameron is asking businesses to give us a decent pay rise. He could do that simply by making the minimum wage higher, and the pension payment higher. We all know that won’t happen!

Recently I’m feeling melancholy; not for past relationships as such, but some passion and excitement wouldn’t go amiss. I’ve been in a ‘comfortable’ relationship, and whilst I don’t want drama, comfortable often starts to feel stale. I’m not that old (in my mind anyway lol), certainly not dead yet, and I want some excitement in my life. My first marriage became comfortable, and that was good, for a while, but then came the drama and regret. I’ve dated ‘eye candy’ and that too was good for a while although I feel a lot of people who are eye candy are often looking for something better, simply because they can. I kind of dated a ‘bad’ boy for a while too, and I have no intention of doing that again, ever. My son’s father was okay for a good many years, but he was controlling in a way, and a spendthrift which doesn’t sit well with me; I’ve always paid my debts and hate to owe anyone any money. I shall certainly celebrate when my car is paid off; I’ll open a nice bottle of wine. Now if I could win enough money to pay off my student loan…

If I did win some money I’d jet off to New Zealand, or maybe Hawaii, both appeal, but my friend wouldn’t come with me as he hates to travel and simply won’t get on a plane. He also has no intention of ever moving house. Speaking for myself, I’m a little bit of a hippy and I hate to feel constricted by a relationship. As I get older I feel some kind of relationship would be nice, and I’d possibly live with someone again, however I also like my freedom and quiet time. I saw a move one time, and the premise was that this ‘couple’ met every year, once a year, same time, same place, and that was their relationship. I could do that, but maybe once a month, every month? I’m laughing here ;)

Enjoy the rest of your week.