Since leaving school, my son has been sleeping in. I don’t mind, and he is looking for work, however his timing sucks. He often gets up and ‘hogs’ the bathroom just as I’m getting ready to leave for work. I can’t just leave as I need to clean my teeth and often change prior to going to work. Due to dog walking duties, I often dress in my scruffy clothes after a shower, walk the dog, and then freshen up and change for the office. I’m regularly calling up to him ‘Are you nearly finished?’ This is code for get a move on and stop wasting the water – how anyone can take a 15 minute shower every single day is quite beyond me! Then there’s ‘Are you out yet?’ This is code for OMG I want to use the water to wash the dishes/put the washing machine on and you’re holding me up! Finally there’s ‘How long are going to be?’ This is the final warning to get out of the bathroom or I’m just going to use the water and to hell with the consequences. I can be showered, dried, and dressed within 15 minutes, and I have longer hair than him which I always condition. His ‘record’ stands at 45 minutes to be ready. Rolls eyes…

After my son’s ‘bombshell’ we had a talk and he agreed to see our GP. I was hoping that talking to our GP may give him some clarity on his options, and that he may need some tests done for hormone levels. He has since cancelled his appointment and says that he’s now not sure. OMG! I often wonder, seriously, if there’s something in the water. All I can say is that quite a few of his friends are gay, and he’s struggling with some issues of his own. He’s not gay, but isn’t happy about something. Oh well, he knows he can talk to me about anything, anytime, and nothing he tells me will alter the status quo. As a parent, I feel that’s all I can do.

Locally the Circus is moving into full swing. There is an almost constant ‘drone’ of helicopters, we now have warships in the docks, and I’ve never seen so many police officers in all my life. There are officers with machine guns on the streets, and we’ve been warned that over the next few days we’ll be seeing some massive helicopters and planes but that we’re not to worry. Hah! The ‘Big Kahuna’ is arriving tonight, and from then on in it’ll be all systems go. I feel like we’re living in a police state! I, and a few others, have decided to take Friday off so we can escape the circus ring and all that goes with it. I’m going to stay at home and will probably paint and varnish the stairs. None of the above is a big secret by the way; it’s all posted on the local news sites. I’m nobody, and don’t know any ‘secrets’ worth knowing.

In the garden I’ve started to clean out the pots from the veggies and have decided that next year I’m not going to bother. I’ve split some overcrowded herbs up and have transplanted those into the now empty pots, dug out some unhappy plants from the front garden and potted those up, and I’m now going to buy a small flowering plant or seeds every month and have a garden full of flowers, herbs, and fruit instead. I recently bought a little pot of pinks and the scent on them is just heavenly. These will give me far more pleasure than the veggies did.

Enjoy the rest of the week, I’m counting down to Friday.