This week, we’ve all been a bit poorly with various stomach issues. I’ve had a ‘sensitive’ stomach for days now. Not sure what I ate, but whatever it was, it’s aggravated my stomach ulcer and I’m feeling very uncomfortable. I’ve been eating live yogurt, and filtered milk, and it’s calmed a little but not much. My son told me, very late one night, that he was experiencing lower bowel pain, and another issue, and that this had been going on for days. I was cross. Cross that it could be serious, and that he hadn’t told me sooner, or contacted the GP. Friday morning, he phoned the GP and I left work early so I could drive him to an appointment; our surgery is still not open! He was given a prescription though the chemist must order the meds, so he had to wait a day. Good grief! Friday afternoon, the dog went into the garden and did terrible things. Goodness only knows what he’s been eating! I threw away his left-over breakfast, and he had no dinner that day either. Best thing is to ‘starve’ him briefly. So, no idea what’s going on as we certainly don’t eat the same food as the dog lol, and my son and I often don’t eat the same food either. Whilst the GP isn’t certain, he thinks my son may have IBS or something similar. Hopefully his meds will sort him out, and so far, at least, he feels ok enough for me to go away next week.

So, I’ve been sitting on the fence regarding renewing my iPernity subscription. I tried the site that many are on, and it’s free, however within minutes of creating a profile, and typing a test blog that simply stated: This is a test, I was suspended. WTF! They constantly send me messages that I have Notifications, but to read them I have to prove who I am, and their system won’t let me – I get a ‘no entry’ sign. What a farce. Hopefully within a few months of inactivity my account will be deleted, and they’ll stop sending me messages which I’ve redirected to my Spam folder.

Today, I finally decided to renew my iPernity subscription, but wouldn’t you know it, there’s an issue for my chosen method of payment. Honestly, after weeks of IT issues at work, I’ve had it up to here with IT problems. I was awake at 1.30am stressing about the IT problems at work though there’s nothing I can do about them, it’s just so inconvenient. So, while I’m away vising family and my friend, my subscription will expire and there’s nothing I can do about it for now. They hope to allow my chosen method of payment soon, and hopefully I’ll be back after a few days. If not, I’ll email, if I can, and let you know that I’m still around lol. I do plan to renew, just as soon as I’m able to.

With everything that’s been going on, it’ll be very nice to decompress for a few days, and to have no access to the internet. Bliss!

Take care, I’ll catch up when I can.