Many years ago, I was married to a cookie monster. My then-husband could polish off a biscuit barrel of an evening and on times, it would drive me crazy. If I wanted any biscuits, I either had to get in there quickly, or else hide some from him lol. I liked the Muppet Show, and liked Cookie Monster, though Animal was really my favourite; a guy who liked to make a noise now and then, and who did his own thing; that speaks to me lol.

This week, I was a bit of a muppet in another sense. I’d been bemoaning the lack of overtime and was really miffed (I’m being polite) when the one day, 3 people commented on the fact that I was leaving on time whilst they’d been asked to stay late. Each time, and with growing annoyance, I explained that I hadn’t been asked to stay. The one day, the supervisor took me aside to talk about working overtime. We agreed when I’d work extra, I couldn’t very well say no could I? LMAO. We agreed hours, I wrote them down, and carried on. I left at my usual time, and later checked my shifts on the computer only to see that I was down to work another 45 minutes that day. I got out my paper copy, and noted I’d agreed to work extra that day. What a muppet! I sent a grovelling apology to the supervisor; it had simply slipped my mind. They were nice about it, much to my relief, and thankfully they all finished early that day anyway.

The dog is on arthritis meds (what a cost!) and lately, he’s been off his food, again, and making an awful noise with his mouth. We can’t work out if he’s grinding his teeth or has arthritis in his jaw. Anyway, using a rolling pin and a bag, we’ve been taking turns to crush his kibble along with some treats to tempt him. We add some water too, and for more than 10 days now, he’s been eating all his food each day. Hopefully this will continue to be the case as he’s quite underweight. He’s always been a fussy eater, but at over 13 years old, he’s even more picky so any ‘trick’ we can use to get him to eat is good. Anyway, Tuesday I was crushing his treats and managed to pound my thumb. Man. It hurt! I had a bruise about half a centimetre across on my poor thumb. I need to be more careful…

A different day, I’d boiled some water to wash the dishes – can’t afford to have the gas water heater on all the time – and whilst pouring said water into the washing up bowl, managed to pour some over my hand and scolded myself. D’oh! I blame tiredness and lack of sleep. Some nights are okay, others not so much. Back ache isn’t helping, and I’ve had copious amounts of that after working almost 30 hours this past week. Phew! Well, I did say I wanted more hours lol. It’s been mostly good with some adorable young babies babbling in their cribs, and one customer who tapped my trolley, pointed to the ceiling where the music is piped, and with a big grin on his face, and a little bounce, stated: Is good, yes? He clearly liked the music, and he made me smile.

Tomorrow, I would have been travelling to Cardiff. Petrol deliveries are still ‘spotty’ and now my sister isn’t well, so I’m glad that I’ve postponed my visit. Hopefully next month things will be better, and I can get away for a break.

Have a good week.