After what seemed like an interminable week, I am at last, free. Including my usual 2 days off a week, I’m now off work for 9 days. 9 whole days! During my time off I plan to go to South Wales to visit family and my friend. I haven’t seen either for almost 2 years. Money, or lack of was the initial reason, then I got a job, so money wasn’t so much of an issue but then of course we went into various forms of lock down. It’ll be so nice to get away and see other people for a change, and to go shopping in a large city. The nearest large, decent shopping area here is Birmingham. I’ve been before and found it very sprawled and not to my liking. It’ll be nice to visit old haunts though how many will have closed down now is anybody’s guess. I’ve phoned a couple of shoe shops and they allow customers to try on shoes. My hope is to get some new shoes that will be more comfortable than the ones I bought off the net. These are giving me callouses.

Recently I bought a spray by Raid to tackle the moths. Good grief it’s good stuff! Doesn’t smell too bad either. I emptied and moved my bookcase to get at the vent, only to find that although it’s open, it’s covered in a fine mesh and not even small spiders could get in, let alone any moths. They must be coming in, quietly, when my window is open, then hiding out. Anyway, lots of dead bodies, and no sign of them now though I will periodically spray my room and the dining room – for some reason, they’re going for the rooms at the front of the house which are North facing. Cooler maybe? Though not by much!

Whilst emptying the books I managed to drop one, corner most, onto my knee. It grazed me slightly, and I now have a bruise over an inch in diameter. In contrast, and not to be outdone (LMAO) my son slipped in the bathroom, headbutted the towel rail and actually bent it! He’s hurt his wrist slightly and one knee, though he is totally bruise free days later. Now, if I’d done that…

So, plans to meet family and my bestie, plans to go shopping, coffee in a fantastic Portuguese café, maybe lunch out or an evening takeaway (none of which my son enjoys). I shall be exhausted lol. If I go ‘quiet’ it’ll be because I’m away having a fun time, hopefully. I’m sure the dog will miss me, though my son is planning on having a decent lie-in or two; I often wake him getting up for work, he’s also planning some hot and spicy meals in my absence. To each their own.

I’m out this morning for another haircut. I intend to go regularly now to keep it a decent length in case we get locked down again. Each time, I have it a little shorter. Long hair is lovely, though as I get older, it is getting greyer, and it is fine so shorter is nicer for me. I could dye it I guess, but I’m happy just growing old disgracefully LOL

Have a good week.