Thursday was my first day in work after a break (early retirement) of over 2 years, and what a day it was. We spent the day going over health and safety concerns, being shown around the store, and completing all the legal ‘stuff’ necessary when starting a new job. Including travel, and breaks, it was a 10-hour day for me and man I was feeling it by mid-afternoon. You’d think after such a long day that I’d sleep well? No such luck! 2 hours after I’d fallen asleep the house was making a gurgling noise in the pipes. Then I could hear what sounded like explosions, 2 of, in the distance; probably late-night fireworks; oh, how I love them! Not… I was then awake before 5am and could not get back to sleep.

The work day itself was good, everyone was very friendly, and I was even involved in some banter with what will be my new team. I had hoped to start properly on Saturday along with other newbies, however illness of a colleague has prevented that. I hope to find out on Monday that I can start properly on Tuesday. Fingers crossed. Initially the post is only until early January but I’m hopeful of an extension. Time will tell. I’ve got half my uniform already and I’ve washed and ironed it and printed and signed all additional forms. Basically, I’m keen and ready to go, just need a start date.

Friday, we had the mandatory house inspection, and they seemed pleased with the state of the house. They had said they’d be focussing on the kitchen appliances and bathroom. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the oven until it practically shone, and as usual, they didn’t even look at it. Oh well. It’s good to keep on top of these things so that when we leave, it won’t be a huge cleaning job. I always keep a clean and tidy house, but inspections are still a stressful time. That and the new job, and it’s no wonder I’m not sleeping well.

Very wet and dreary here, though thankfully nowhere near as bad as further north. A months’ worth of rain in one day! Good grief. I really feel for them, and hope the rain abates soon so they can get sorted.

Have a good weekend, with hopefully some sunshine.