Annalia S.'s favorite articles

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  • Il Castello di Gusaliggio

    Rocca di Gusaliggio
    La rocca di Gusaliggio come doveva apparire nell'ottocento, in un dipinto di Alberto Pasini (1849 circa) "Sovra un masso enorme di pietra arenaria (*) che sporge sulla sponda sinistra del torrentello Mozzola, che da nome alla valle che scorre, e che sorgendo sulla cresta del monte Mariano, trascorsa la valle, sbocca nel torrente Taro a mezzo miglio da Pietramogolana; sorgeva nel 1250 una rocca, che vuolsi fabbricata dai Pallavicini, chiamata Gusaleggio, in prossimità di altra ugualment…

  • Youki story

    Elle s'appelle Youki. C'est ma fille July qui l'a affublée de ce nom ridicule. Youki est une petite chienne au pelage noir et blanc, à la mâchoire rectangulaire, âgée entre trois et cinq ans. Nous l'avons rencontrée, avec ma femme et mes deux filles, pour la première fois en 2013 à Bang Shaphang Yai, en Thaïlande.

  • 2020-12-24 Merry Christmas!

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, Unfortunately, our IT specialists were not able to repair the disruption of the upload function before Christmas. The cause is that the Amazon cloud no longer accepts the previous data transfer protocol. Solving this problem is extremely difficult, because the ipernity software is very complex, and any documentation is rather limited.…

  • Australian Fires

    I must begin this article by offering my very sincere thanks for the kind messages of support and concern we have received from so many ipernity members. It really has brought home to me that this is a very caring community group, not merely a photo sharing site. The essential point you need to know is that Pauline and I, and our furry friends, are safe and well and apart from being covered in soot and losing power and communications, our property has not been affected by the fires. As at wri…

  • How-To add photos inside of photos using notes (PictureInPicture), update in 2023

    ipernity-howto - Infos über nützliche ipernity-Funktionen, die ihr vielleicht noch nicht kennt
    Maybe you have already registered that some guys have cool photos which are showing other photos inside by using a note? If not: here are some possible examples (the photo which was used for this article has ten "Picture in Picture" notes and was about Hamburgs Criminal Justice Building ). You could find more of such examples in the group PiP ★ Picture in Picture . Note that you need a club membership to do this, as adding notes to photos is a club-only function.