Okay folks, this is where you can leave quietly and I won't take offense. It's been raining a little here and you know exactly what I've been doing don't you?

Mandi left for her home yesterday afternoon and to be honest - I am totally whacked out. I'd had a call from Ann my neighbour, who'd said that she was going away for a week and as Mandi was still here, maybe she could take me shopping............. So it was another day of shopping!!! I didn't need anything at that time - but if I wasn't going to be able to go shopping for another week, then I did need to get things..

Anyway to cut a long story short, we went shopping yet again and that, as you know, totally wears me out. So Mandi pops off and I thought I'd have a quick kip before supper - but no............. some old friends from North Wales were down this way and so they popped in!!!! Lovely to see them, but to be honest all I wanted to do was have a quick 5 minutes. Not to be..........

When they left, I went out and took some pictures..... as you do.......

Then Pippin followed me outside and decided to do his ''tarty'' impression and rolled all over the place......

I noticed that the rain had dislodged the petals of the cherry blossom and just left the stamens - looked rather strange these little bare flowers..........

But the best was the white lilac against the blue sky - cos the blue sky didn't last terrribly long........

Soon the whole driveway will be full of this blossom with the many lilac trees I have here. Counting roughly I've got about 18 lilacs of different colours - well mainly white, pale lilac and dark purple. So it's no wonder I love this time of year.......

Another blossom is why I also love this time of year...........

Soon my apple trees will be in full bloom - can't wait to annoy you all with pictures of that.................... LOL

I saw this dandelion just waiting for someone to blow on it to tell the time......

Trouble is if I were to blow on it - I'd have hundreds of dandelions springing up all over the garden.... so I just picked it by the head carefully and put it in the bin.....

Okay you can come out of hiding now - I've finished putting any more pictures up here. Hope you've all had a lovely Easter time, I had a lovely quiet {?} one.

Speak to you all soon. Can I say first - thank you so much for your lovely comments on my photos - it's so nice to know that you like what I do.... so it's your fault that I keep doing it. LOL