Frans Schols' favorite articles

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  • Site wide SSL is finally here!

    Secure Encryption (2)
    Dear members and friends of ipernity, ============================ For those of you still having problems: If trying to add a new photo to a group, and there is no drop-down list, the first thing to try is the Ctrl+F5 to Refresh. See further below. If that does not solve the problem, you can try closing and restarting your browser . This comment by William may help mobile users who are having problems. ============================ The implementation of secure (SSL) conn…

  • My Meccano and Me

    For boys born before 1960, Meccano was as memorable a part of childhood as school or Christmas. Invented in 1901 by Frank Hornby, and produced in Liverpool for over 70 years, it is said to have engendered generations of engineers, the very backbone of Britain’s industrial greatness. The Meccano Guild, open to boys across the Empire, rivalled the Scout movement in promoting clean living and wholesome pursuits, Meccano in particular. In its heyday in the 1930’s, the company had agencies in 36 c…

  • Wow - this warm weather has been very welcome.....

    The beautiful white lilac
    As you all in the UK are aware, we have had some amazingly sunny days lately and even some warmth too - which is oh so welcome. Apparently we can expect some rain this coming week, which isn't very good, but I suppose that it is necessary for the plants etc. My bluebells are thriving on the driveway - a sea of blue, a visitor called it, all made possible because I don't drive a car over it now, because the car is well and truly done with, I swear it's growing on the drive!!!!! There are flowery…

  • PEN F rangefinder feeling and downsizing

    I chose the form factor of the Olympus Pen F body due to my years of owning and using my father's rangefinder Leica M3 and later my own M6. After 10 digital years with the m43 camera system, I realize how familiar a system becomes. My Pen F is like walking around with different films in older times. I no longer shoot raw, for me the Olympus jpeg output is perfect - when I take time and slow down. Pen F offers all the latest imaging technology, you better read elsewhere. Here I introduce my subj…

  • I walked up my driveway - first time this year

    Pippin loves lying in the sun
    Some of you might not know this, but I haven't been very well for a while now, and walking is hard for me - I struggle to breathe, which funnily enough - you do need to breathe when you go walking - in fact all the time really!!!!. Well it had been such a wonderful few days of unbroken sunshine and at long last - no wind - it was fantastic. So I negotiated my rollator out the back door - and believe me that took a lot of hard work, it's so heavy and awkward - I have to fold it up and lift it…

  • 2019-04-26 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We had to shut down parts of the Google map service at short notice, because the costs have increased dramatically. (Google charged EUR 655 more for March than we budgeted for.) We are now working hard to see whether ipernity can be adapted to cheaper alternatives (OpenStreetMap, Evermaps, Opentopomap, etc.). For the time being,only geo-coordinates will be displayed instead of plain text locations in the location information of the images.…

  • ipernity sur NiceMatin / see our faces on NiceMatin

       Although you don't read French, there is a nice picture of us on this famous French newspaper today! Et pour les francophones, je vous invite à lire ce bel article paru dans Nice Matin aujourd'hui !