Allanimal's groups

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Public groups in which Allanimal is an administrator

Public groups in which Allanimal is a member

  • r e d

    r e d

    Created 16 years ago

    Do you like the colour r e d ? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the red colour! Please post only pictures where red is the dominating colour. Thank you.

  • Nightfall in Germany

    Nightfall in Germany

    Created 15 years ago

    (GER) Nachtaufnahmen von Städten/ Orten in Deutschland (Eindrücke, Skylines, Blue Hour, Sonnenuntergänge, Nachtleben und mehr). (ENG) Photographs of german cities/ locations by darkness (Nightshots, impressions, skylines, blue hour, sunset, nightlife in the streets and more).

  • Streetart (graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, ...)

    Streetart (graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, ...)

    Created 16 years ago

    Photos from "street-art", graffiti, stencils, cuttings, stickers, urban knitting, etc. ... This is a moderated group. Please give me some time to do the work, I haven´t each day time for ipernity, but will moderate this group in my free spaces. In case there isn´t any free time for ipernity all your submissions will be auto - approved after seven days, but mostly I will approve them manually and much earlier.

  • Ferris wheel

    Ferris wheel

    Created 15 years ago

    pictures of Ferris wheels

  • Parade photos anyone

    Parade photos anyone

    Created 15 years ago

    Gay, bride, techno, tekkno,love, umzug karneval, karnival, faschingsumzug, fasching, parade, street, day, fun, mardi gras,Alaaf, helau

  • Sculptures of the world

    Sculptures of the world

    Created 15 years ago

    Please show photos of sculptures of all kinds, whether religious or secular, whether funny or pondering, whether sad or cheerful ..... Here, the shrill pop-art figure as well as the angel at the cemetery have their very own place, the heads of the Easter Island fit as well as the the Niki-St.Phalle-sculptures in Hanover.....-)...

  • Old inn signs and other destinations

    Old inn signs and other destinations

    Created 16 years ago

    In former times there was a real culture of inn signs and other destinations; they could not always be preserved. First of all we would like to save the remaining ones from this fate - at least by taking pictures, and maybe we can also discover some on old photographs. Second, as IP is a forum acting internationally, it would also be very interesting to find out the cultural differences - or maybe similarities? Third, for sure, there will be the chance to make some nice discovery or amiable c…

  • b l u e

    b l u e

    Created 16 years ago

    Do you like b l u e? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour! Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour. Thank blue.

  • Antagonism


    Created 15 years ago

    Opposing couple: ( up, down), (black, white), (big, small), (face, back), (mouse, elefant), (junior, senior), (male, female), (clean, dirty), (left, right), (sunrise, sunset), (before, after... hairdresser lifting...) etc... One doc with the two opposites on it, or two docs with each opposite on it.

  • Amsterdam


    Created 16 years ago

    This group is all about Amsterdam. Sights, sounds, smells and stuff. It would be absolutely wonderful if you would tag your photo (if any) with Amsterdam, thank you.

  • houses


    Created 16 years ago

    manor houses, country/town houses, estates, unusual houses, quaint houses, modern/ancient/beautiful/ugly houses.... but not ordinary from palaces and castles to mud huts

  • OUTDOOR ART... by nature +or mankind

    OUTDOOR ART... by nature +or mankind

    Created 16 years ago

    .... art from the hand of nature (especially appreciated) or from "mankind" or both together, but specifically "art" and specifically outside in the open air...... sculpture, pattern, design, colour, light, sky, water, form, shape, transient / mythology / supernatural / surreal / humour / architecture, painting / graffiti.... its up to you, hopefully will provoke/inspire!!

  • Photographers - taking a picture

    Photographers - taking a picture

    Created 16 years ago

    The faces behind the camera... Shoot the shooter :) Don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments. Continuous abuse will lead to being banned from this group. Thank you ♥ Moderated.

  • Necropolis


    Created 15 years ago

    Cemeteries, graves, gravestones... anything to do with this subject matter will be accepted. Please no nudity (I shudder to think how this might come about) unless it is a sculpture or statue. Have fun... but not too much...this is a cemetery group after all. And, if so inclined... please leave comments for other members. Thanks everyone!

  • The Sky is the Limit / Background (please no landscapes, see discussions)

    The Sky is the Limit / Background (please no landscapes, see discussions)

    Created 16 years ago

    Pictures of anything with the Sky as background (not just landscapes where the sky is at top- it must be the background of the whole photo. NO Pictures with Focus on the sky! Biggest part of the photo have to be in the Sky . NO typical photos of Clouds or Sunsets or the Moon! The main thing needs to be an Object, Plant, Animal or Human, not the sky itself....! To say it in a few words: You have to take your photo upwards, not horizontal to get the sky as the background - with an ob…

  • Catchy Colours

    Catchy Colours

    Created 16 years ago

    bright coulours, nice colours! anything goes, as long as it is bright and colourful! yellow, green, blue, red, purple, pink, orange -all the colours of the rainbow are welcome here :)

  • Palomas,pigeons,birds,aves