Articles by Allanimal

  • Used Lenses or Lens Rental in or Around Heilbronn

    - 15 years ago
    Does anyone know of a good store that rents camera gear and/or sells used gear that is near Heilbronn? I would even go so far as Stuttgart, Mannheim, Karlsruhe or Würzburg "close". If it matters, I am looking for Nikon-Mount lenses.

  • Uploading Old Flickr Stuff

    - 20 Apr 2008
    I'm in the process of uploading all of my old Flickr stuff (stuff that is no longer there). It is taking a while, and for some reason PictureSync doesn't upload the metadata when exporting from Aperture. Hell, it may work, but the interface for PictureSync is so funked up that I have no idea how to enable the option to do something so basic as include the frackin' EXIF metadata with my photos. Why is the PictureSync interface so horrible? Oh I wish that the excellent Flickr Export for Apertur…

  • In Iowa

    - 05 Apr 2008
     I have been in Iowa for the last few days visiting my and my wife's families & the few friends we still have in state. I have only had a few chances to take the camera out, and yesterday was cut short because I forgot to bring a fresh battery. Oh well. I'll try to get that great shot of the bridge in Waverly again today, and some pictures of the Quad Cities later in the week. Maybe even Mason City, where I am going with another high school & Ipernity friend to meet yet another old friend who is…

  • Hooray! Finally!

    - 14 Mar 2008
    After nearly 3 months and a lot of money*, I finally have my camera back! Woo Hoo! If someone can give me pointers to a giant rubber protective coating for my camera, I think I need one. The weather forecast for tomorrow is supposed to be good. I hope to have some new pictures here soon! *but still significantly less money than buying a new one. which means the D300 will have to wait...

  • Oh **bleep**ing ***bleep***!!

    - 29 Dec 2007 - 1 comment
    So Jeannette and I have been having a wonderful time in Ireland the last week or so, despite the fact that so many things are closed in the Christmas & New Year's season. Today, after a few days of pouring rain, the weather was actually pretty decent, and we were out driving along the remote(ish) Dingle Penninsula. We stopped at a site of a Stone Age fort, and decided this would be a great place to set up the tripod, turn on the timer and get a photo of both of us together for once, in front of…

  • Foto Treff / Safari / whatever

    - 15 Aug 2007
    Back in the days before that other photo site many of us used started arbitrarily censoring, there was a group of us in Heilbronn that got together approximately monthly for a photo rodeo. Since the shakeup over there, we haven't had another Heilbronn photo meetup. I'd like to do it again sometime. Lars? Marco? Ingo? Ralf? What do you think? The invitation goes to anyone else in or around Heilbronn too. We just need to figure out where and when. I think when will have to be september. Whe…

  • One Thing about Germany...

    - 10 Aug 2007
    At the end of September, I will have been living in Germany for 3 years. I have mostly acclimated to living here (though I wish I was better with the language...), but every once in a while there is something that I just haven't gotten used to. After my recent business trip to Dresden, I realized that the bedding in German hotels, and presumably on most German beds in general, does not suit me at all. In the US, you always get a fitted sheet over the mattress, a flat sheet to sleep under a…

  • Iowa State University Alumni Online Directory

    - 05 Aug 2007
    Jeannette has posted on her blog about the new ISU Alumni Online Directory called CySpace . It's available to all ISU alumni, whether or not they are members of the Alumni Association, until Homecoming this year. Jeannette wrote a lot about it already that I don't want to duplicate, but I think it would be nice if all ISU Alumni could check it out, and make sure their stuff is up to date. And get in touch with us if you knew one of us. Read Jeannette's post for more info about it if you didn…

  • Too Many Tigers?

    - 03 Aug 2007
    I got a request for more tigers on my blogger blog . I hope I didn't overdo it.

  • OK, So Now I'm a "PRO"

    - 29 Jul 2007 - 1 comment
    After much frustration paying with Paypal (as usual), I managed to buy a Pro account, so I can start uploading more pictures again. Which is good, because I just got back from the Wilhelmina Zoo, with way too many pictures of tiger babies... (Another milestone: As I was at the Zoo today, I hit over 10,000 pictures on my D200! That means I have averaged 666 images per month since I got it...)

  • Just Starting Out Here

    - 05 Jul 2007 - 2 comments
    Still trying to figure out where everything is at. And why embedded GPS data is not used automatically to geotag my photos on upload. And is there any way to use the FlickrExportForAperture plugin with Ipernity? And... well, there are tons of questions. Hopefully some day soon I can figure out the answers.