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  • Du sens de l'info et du triomphe de la bêtise

    Le 25 septembre 2011 , sur France Info, le thème de la chronique "Le sens de l'info" de Michel Polacco avec l'académicien et philosophe Michel Serres était consacré à la bêtise . Force est de reconnaître que, même à l'ère de l'Internet, la bêtise se porte bien. Elle paraît même être pleine d'avenir. Était-on plus bête à l'ère de Néandertal ? Bonne question à poser à un philosophe ! Il est vraisemblable que la réponse serait ni plus ni moins. Si Érasme était parmi nous, il aurait aujourd'hui la matière pour écrire "L'éloge de la bêtise".

  • 2017-09-01 Business Takeover

    [EN] Dear Members, We are thrilled to announce that we are about to take the last steps of IMA's take-over of the Ipernity platform and service. IMA is now handling the financial aspects of the site. IMA made the first payment to Amazon Web Services for August and will continue to pay the operating costs to ensure the site runs without interruption. This is a major accomplishment in the transition from Ipernity S.A. to IMA . However, technical issues such as renewal options still need… (read more)

  • 2018-08-31 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After a well-deserved summer break, the ima team is back and would like to thank all users who have enriched ipernity with pictures and other contributions during the summer and holiday weeks. In addition, we would also like to thank those who have internally maintained operations and were available to help with any disruptions or questions. We would also like to thank our IT service provider Qwellcode, who quickly repaired another unforeseen s… (read more)

  • 2018-12-14 Newsflash

    ipernity Club Subscriptions

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The first pass to remove invisible content from the ipernity database has been completed. 14.6 TB of residual data (5.8 million files) from more than 10 years of operation were deleted. At the current exchange rate (USD/EUR = 1.13), this corresponds to an operating cost saving of EUR 6,944 per year from January 1, 2019. 2.2 TB of data from orphaned accounts that are harder to identify, are yet to be deleted. This can save a further EUR 1,037 i… (read more)

  • Better weather here

    A better day and Zazzles exhausted after play

  • A much better day

    The day started dry but with a wicked easterly wind that could cut through steel,no walk today for me besides I had the kitchen to sort out. The old washing machine was cluttering the middle of the kitchen and with a kitchen 12x9 ft and work surfaces, cooker,sink etc to either side plus a glass dining table at one end this didn't leave much room.I sought extra muscle to move the machine,it weights around 140lb and has no wheels or easy places to get a grip of it. My favourites for helping were… (read more)

  • 2018-05-25 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Synchronization problems on our upload servers have affected ipernity's performance since May 8th. In cooperation with Christophe Ruelle, our IT support team succeeded in finding and correcting the cause of the error. 2) We thank you in this context for your patience and your trust, as well as for the many encouragement we received via Facebook: 3) At the same time the direct link… (read more)

  • 2018-07-20 ipernity website hiccups

    == EN == As most of you have noticed, the platform has been experiencing some operating difficulties since this morning. Our host Amazon communicates some issues that Qwellcode, our IT provider, is currently addressing. Be sure that a solution is going to be found. However, we cannot predict how long this will take and apologize for any inconvenience. Your IMA team, on July 20th, 2018 == FR == Comme la plupart d'entre vous l'ont constaté, la plateforme rencontre certaines difficul… (read more)

  • Call for beta testers / Recherche de volontaires pour tester

    21/02/2012 update: the beta testing program is closed. The final release can be downloaded here [EN] Hello all We are working on a new desktop uploader, replacing the old and buggy iperUpload software. Before releasing this new program, we'd like it to be tested by 20 volunteers on Windows platforms. If you want to help us, simply add a comment to this article, saying something like "Yes, I'm the one". We'll join you directly by email. Thank you very much for your help and supp… (read more)

  • Jacques Brel - L'air de la bêtise

    A la demande de Gaelle et avec très grand plaisir

  • Tag #889: Ist eine Frauenquote für Bremer Betriebe eine gute Idee?

    1201 visits

    Vorab eine Warnung: In Bremen herrscht Wahlkampf, und dieser Blogeintrag erwähnt nur eine einzige der antretenden Parteien -- und das auch noch ziemlich oft. Das ist volle Absicht! Mir geht es hier um Kritik an ebendieser Partei. Kritik muss öffentlich sein. Die Frage nochmal konkreter: Soll in Vorständen und Aufsichtsräten der Bremer Eigenbetriebe eine Frauenquote gelten? Als ich auf diese Frage gestoßen bin, ging mir als Erstes der folgende Text durch den Kopf: “Die Piraten… (read more)

  • Welches Bild wird als besser empfunden? Which one is better?

      Dies sind zwei Versionen des gleichen Fensters. Welches Bild empfindet ihr als besser? I oder II? Es ist nicht die Frage, ob es ein gutes Bild ist, nur welches ist besser oder schöner? Here are two versions of the same window. Which picture is better? I or II? The question is not is it a good picture. The question is only which is better oder nicer.  

  • Do Pro's Make Better Pictures?

    I've been a photographer for several decades, not counting from when I was a kid, and I've heard many myths and truths about what and who makes better pictures.

  • Having more MP doesn't give you better shots

    ... from this Vegitill's post:

  • Feeling much better- And getting antsy now...

    I no loger walk like Igor.. Nor do I drag my leg around like the Mummy.. And I can go up and down the stairs with minimal issue.. It just gets sore if I overdue a bit.. Stand too long, take the stairs too many times, that sort.. But my Rick is adamant I keep low key yet. And I have too much to do and have been housebound since Sunday now.. My group of guys went to our annual very expensive, very good Steak dinner out (company paid) and Secret Santa gift exchange.. I really missed that and they… (read more)

  • Sunshine and smiles.Better news from Jenny

    I awoke to a still day with the sun peeking through my bedroom window so I had things to do.After feeding the cats I opened my door into the garden for the first rtime since Saturday evening when I brought the bird feeder in. The winds would have had it taking off like a helicopter. I filled the feeders up and had a stroll round to survey the damage. Nothing amiss apart from a few plant pots overturned. I had a coffee then climbed into my winter walking gear and headed out. It was bitterly cold… (read more)

  • New toys found,old friends ignore me and I can walk better today

    I am finding my feet on here. I have clicked the explore button and found some useful stuff. I now have a button to post blogs direct to blogger and one to put on Picassa so I can load my photos from there with one click. I have met up with a few friends from Multipy on here and invited them to my net work but a couple turned me down,funny how friends fall out with you for no sensible reason, I will remove them shortly. My toes are much better this morning after ic… (read more)


    A BETTER NEW YEAR FOR ROMANIA!!!! Courage and Unity to find the Freedom !!!! I LOOOOOOVE ROMANIA !!!!! THE MOST WONDERFULL !!!! if you have blood in your veins and want strong sensations come here … !!!! Travelling In Romania(Please watch this video)[HD] & more ……… Wild Carpathia Trailer featuring HRH The Prince Of Wales… (read more)

  • La Belle et la Bête: une réussite visuelle

    Pour sauver son père d’une terrible malédiction, Belle (Léa Seydoux) se livre à la Bête (Vincent Cassel).Commence alors pour elle, dans le domaine enchanté de la Bête, une vie étrange, où se mêlent les instants de féerie et de mélancolie. Chaque soir, à l’heure du dîner, Belle et la Bête se retrouvent. Alors qu’elle doit repousser ses élans amoureux et ses accès de violence, Belle tente de percer les secrets de la Bête... Relecture moderne du conte et du film de Cocteau , La Belle et la B… (read more)

  • La Belle et la Bête: La Belle n'endort pas

    Fin du XVIII e siècle, dans un petit village français. Belle (Emma Watson), jeune fille rêveuse et passionnée de littérature, vit avec son père (Kevin Kline), un vieil inventeur farfelu. S’étant perdu une nuit dans la forêt, ce dernier se réfugie au château de la Bête (Dan Stevens), qui le jette au cachot. Ne pouvant supporter de voir son père emprisonné, Belle accepte alors de prendre sa place, ignorant que sous le masque du monstre se cache un Prince Charmant, tremblant d’amour pour elle, mai… (read more)