Group: New Flickr Survivors

Doubt YarFlick are wildly happy with current traffic worth.

JayOh (John Owles)
20 Jul 2013 - 2 comments - 389 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

I doubt YarFlick are wildly happy with their current traffic value, it being down by about $7m since April.

 Jim Boynton
Jim Boynton
I just checked the link and wonder why they say flickr has no adult content. It DOES have a very robust and active 'dark' side and I always wondered what percentage it amounts to. When I first joined last November I was shocked...not by the porn...but by the views, comments and favs these photos were getting. Far, far more traffic on those images than anything that has made Explore. When flickr says they have had a 300% increase in uploads (their words) I wonder how much is due to the exhibitionists and image thieves taking advantage of the realistically unlimited free storage. Any links available that show how that side of flickr is doing?
11 years ago.
slgwv club
And you wonder just how valuable to them, or their advertisers, those uploads are... Flickr has now capped uploads at 200 pix at a time. It seems they're worried about people using Flickr just for free cloud storage and not interacting with the advertisers. (Duh--couldn't have seen that coming, huh?) So the upshot is that you can have a free terabyte just so you don't use it-- It will indeed be ironic if that "free terabyte" gimmick backfires on them!
11 years ago. Edited 11 years ago.

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