Group: New Flickr Survivors

A year on

By Isabella club
18 May 2014 - 1 comment - 651 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

It's been about a year since Flickr decided it was a bright idea to completely change their layout and the way they do business without bothering to tell anyone. I must say, I don't miss Flickr at all. I might not get quite as many hits on my photos or nearly as many "likes", but I also don't get spammed. I have a layout I like and doesn't hang up on any of my computers. I also love that here, the Ipernity team tells you what they are working on and responds to comments well. The last was the reason I left Flickr - no response + no warning = no money from me.

What are your thoughts now that we've settled in?
 Penny Richards
Penny Richards club
Love it here. Layout is nice and simple and clean, staff is responsive and seems professional (no childish jargon or silliness in forums, ahem), navigation took a little getting used to but now it's completely intuitive. I miss Flickr Commons, but apparently some of the institutions have left in the past year, so maybe that's not what it used to be anymore, either. I miss stats telling me where visitors were coming from, but that's a small price to pay in exchange for a pleasant space for my photos.

Glad I got out of Flickr. I think there are some folks still waiting for a miraculous reset. I've been online long enough to notice that once a website's format changes, it doesn't ever go back, and it absolutely doesn't care if you leave. No sense in hoping otherwise.
10 years ago.

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