Group: Bridges /=|=\

When is a bridge not a bridge?

Herb Riddle
By Herb Riddle club
20 May 2018 - 176 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

As a recent newcomer to this group, I quickly contributed some of my many bridge photos. Or at least, what I have always considered a bridge photo. Now, I realise that this group may be in fact a little more choosy than I first thought because some of my bridges are technically viaducts! Looking through the contributions here I see one or two other obvious viaducts but not many. Maybe a little clarification needs to be added by our moderators?

Cambridge Dictionary:
Bridge - noun - "a structure that is built over a river, road, or railway to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other:"

Viaduct - noun -"a long, high bridge, usually held up by many arches, that carries a railway or a road over a valley"

So it seems that I must be OK with my viaducts too.

Any other thoughts?

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