Group: Bridges /=|=\

Please post only photos in which the bridge strictly dominate the photo

ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
07 Sep 2013 - 622 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English


recently some photos are posted where the bridge was (just) somewhere in the background, not clearly visible, far, far away from being in focus or the main-object of the photo.
Sometimes this make sense if you would like to show the whole bridge to get some step backwards but sometimes not (if you shot a pretty small bridge from 2 miles away it could be still visible on the photo - but not as clear as it would fit in a group which is dedicated special to bridges.

Please keep in mind that the bridge should be the part of the photo which was dominating. Best ones are the photos where the bridge is visible already in the thumbnail- others will get a further look and if not fit the topic/rules kicked out of the group, sorry.

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