Group: Silver Surfers

It's been fun--

By A slgwv club
03 Dec 2016 - 279 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Well, I'm sure by now everyone's heard that Ipernity is shutting down the end of January. I still have the feeling they botched a great opportunity, but that's all water under the bridge now. I'll continue to admin the groups I have, including this one, till the bitter end, but I'm not going to be terribly active. Somehow the motivation just isn't there...

Lots of people are going back to That Other Place as, at this point, it's the only game in town. I kept my Flickr account for free cloud storage, but made all my photos private so that Yahoo wouldn't make a dime off them. So, I'm not enthusiastic about participating there again. I may post a few photos, but otherwise my albums will _not_ be public.

I heard about this new group over there:
which is open only to members, though you can join freely. In any case, I have the same username over there as here, so anyone who wants to keep in touch, please feel free to contact me.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by slgwv 7 years ago.

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