Group: Art is Art

Au bord de l’indicible A l’extrême clarté De nos p…

Sahara dust and its enigmatic images

Lorsque le vent remue, ta robe glisse dans mon lit…

Crafted by the wind

Camberwell Beauty

Balance of contrasts

A Long Wait..

Ushio Amagatsu (1949-2024)

"Embrace Me"

Art Meets Nature


Richard Serra (1938-2024)

Dintel de los Ríos.

March 27th is World Theater Day!

denim 26 3 2024

The gaps of the puzzle make it more interesting

Inspired by Jesse Darling's Turner Prize - winning…

inspired by Ghislaine Leung's Turner Prize final i…

Battersea Power Station workers' lunch break - 25…

"Falling leaves, a shooting sprout", Hôgen Yamaha…

Red Line

Strong bodies but bent

Pour vous tous, mes amis fidèles, ces pierres préc…

Flamants rose ..............Belle journée mes ami(…

Passez un bon we mes ami(e)s ❤️

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Hays Wharf faience panels