Group: Art is Art

Jesse Darling Grandad III & Epistemologies - Turne…

Jesse Darling's Embarrassed Billboard 2 - Turner P…

Barbara Walker - Burden of Proof - Glenda Caesar -…

Barbara Walker - Burden of Proof - portrait wall -…

Ghislaine Leung's - Turner prize exhibition - coll…

'Captivated by colour' by Camille Walala - Canary…

Jesse Darling's installation - Turner Prize - Town…

Dance Diagonal by Lothar Götz - SW vertical - Town…

Lamassu of Nineveh - two sides - outside the Towne…

Abstrakte Kunst...

paper lines & curves

PJS at T M

with and without leaves

Hand Tools at Boot Sale - Seaford - 7 5 2923

RN Museum figurehead Bellopheron 28 8 2012

Statue of soldier.

82 Gloucester Road, Brighton, 28 2 2023

Dans ces triangles d’or Nous sommes l’Eau et le F…

71-70 Viaduct Road Brighton 5 11 2023

The Eyes Have It.

Breogán, father of the Gaelic Celts (1994), by Xoz…

Statue of Charon (1992), by Ramón Conde.

HWW - Better Together

Tottenham Court Road Station - up into the dayligh…

Little House On The Decking.

31 York Place - Brighton - 5 10 2023