Group: Fotos über Kirchen

Carmo Church (18th century).

Februar 2023

Church of the Major Seminary.

Church of Mercy.

Church of Mercy (16th to 18th centuries).

Viseu Cathedral and Grão-Vasco Museum.

Chapel of the Counts of Prime (18th century).

Kuchen- und Brunnenfest 2023 Schwäbisch Hall

St. Katharinen (2)

Eines der beliebtesten Schweriner Fotomotive

Tubular organ.

Beholding the dome.

Baroque choir and ceiling.

High altar.

Pulpit and high altar.

Córdoba Cathedral.

Córdoba Cathedral.

Is this a Nuclear power plant?

Córdoba Cathedral.

Lisle-sur-Tarn - Notre-Dame de la Jonquière

Night view of Córdoba.

Tower of Córdoba Cathedral.

Saint Rock Church.

Merseburg - Dom

Merseburg - Dom

Church of Saint Gil and Saint Anne (16th century).

Church of Saint Just and Saint Pastor.