Group: Fotos über Kirchen

Faro Cathedral.

Restoration of frescoes.

Schwerin, St.-Pauls-Kirche, 2022

Mother Church of Saint Stephen (16th century).

Inside Hagia Sophia in Istanbul

Besuch des Schweriner Weihnachtsmarkt

Dorfkirche Niederwerbig

Dorfkirche Stahnsdorf

St.-Gallus-Kirche in Ladenburg

Saint Augustine Church.

Church of the Holy Spirit.

Leiria Cathedral (16th century).

Dorfkirche Retzow (bei Nauen)

Gelati Monastery, interior

Church of Holy Mary of Pena.

Saint Peter Church.

Mother Church of Our Lady of the Rosary (1971).

Naumburger Dom

Icons inside Gelati Monstery (Georgia)

Naumburg - Dom

Church of Our Lady of the Good News (14th century)…

A view to the castle.

Church of Mercy.

Mother Church inside Alandroal Castle.

Stabkirche Heddal

Church and Convent of the Holy Cross.