Group: Fotos über Kirchen

Chapel of Our Lady of Lapa.

Saint Catherine Chapel (1681).

Chapel of Our Lady of Loreto.

Church of Mercy.

Mother Church of Holy Mary Major.

Church of Saint John of God.

Мир Божији, Христос се роди!

Church of Holy Mary Major.

Kloster Einsiedeln

Saint Dominique Church.

Saint Euphemia Church.

Ourense Cathedral (Saint Martin Church).

Church of Saint Martin (12th century).

Church of Holy Mary Major.

Happy Wall Wednesday !

Parish Church of Mary Help of Christians.

Parish Church of Saint James.

Saint Dominique Church and Convent (16th to 18th c…

Saint Dominique Church and Convent (16th to 18th c…

Saint George Church.

Saint James Church and belfry with clock.

Saint James Church (12th to 13th centuries).

Happy Bench Monday!

Greifswald Rubenowplatz

Klosterkirche Himmelspfort Würzburg

Kasettendecke Klosterkirche Himmelspfort Würzburg

Fountain of the Horses and Cathedral's Clock Tower…