Penedos, Me time

Sunday challenge

Tool !

17 Oct 2023 32 23 172
Once upon a time ... just remember that when you go to the dentist, nowadays there is nothing to fear about it ! For Sunday Challenge 68: Tools

Fall, after first rain

28 Oct 2023 27 20 163
Rain season usually starts mid-October in my region. After a long dry season and first rain pasture is already popping out, nature will be green at first then flowers will start blooming in December till May when dry season starts again. I was in Monte Gordo when the first rain arrived, from my upper terrace it was quite impressive to see this massive cloud arriving, October 23rd. The main was taken yesterday (Saturday) morning. PIP ABOVE For Sunday Challenge 69, Seasons

Peiki and Ninfa

29 Oct 2023 36 45 167
Making my dogs happy by sharing what I am eating with them makes me smile and fulfills me. Photo is not good quality but the spirit is there. Today I am hiking in nature, just have my iphone, so please forgive me but I will only catch up with you all tomorrow


07 Nov 2023 34 37 152
SC71, one word

In my place, for SC72

16 Nov 2023 11 9 92
Not sure this suits for the challenge Shabby Chic... but Shabby Chic style is not my style at all and not much used here in shops… so I did what I could and I thank Gillian for trying to help me as well as JPierre with examples on our galleries.

Monte Gordo, under the boardwalk

29 Nov 2023 20 9 107
Sunday challenge 74 : Underneath

Monte Gordo, Rainy day and sprinklers watering...

04 Dec 2023 16 21 105
In the south of Portugal and Spain, we're desperately short of water. The few rains since the end of October have watered the surface and enabled vegetation to flourish, but the dams remain at an alarming level. Every day, we see ads on the TV news, in the newspapers, and posters in the street urging us to save water in our homes, with all kinds of tricks that old-timers like me had practiced in our youth. But when I see that the municipality, which should be setting an example, is wasting water on useless watering... I'm revolted. Seems surreal to me...

Santa Apolónia station, Lisboa

23 Jul 2016 31 18 248
For SC76 : Think this photo might fit the following rules : #2. Centered Composition and Symmetry #5. Leading Lines #7. Patterns and Textures #25. Let the Eye Wander Around the Frame #27. Add Human Interest Thanks for constructive comments and propositions.

Monte Gordo, After dark

First almond tree blossom, a new beginning !

08 Jan 2024 42 23 181
SC78, a new beginning After a long Summer/Autumn rest Almond trees awaken !

Penedos, Morning dew evaporating with the first wa…

24 Dec 2023 45 35 182
SC80 - Post 28 January - Archive Not my best but one I love and didn't publish yet. It was just a magical early morning moment... This kind of light effect faded in seconds, I had my iPhone on hand because I was about to call someone so I was able to take the photo right away. Time to grab the camera on my bag and the effect was no longer there...

Scrapbook page

02 Feb 2024 22 16 138
For SC81 - Post 4 February - Scrapbook page Had no idea for this challenge till I hoovered my place and saw what was hoovered... hope it suits and pleases you !

SC82, Dr Gamito's garden

08 Feb 2024 23 15 149
A long time ago, when de Dr and his wife were among us, we used to share nice evenings there, drinking and barbecuing... Many years they are gone and the garden is left to abandon...

Men at work in a beach restaurant

22 Feb 2024 5 9 64
For SC84 And an archive series about work in salt pans here: If you are interested in more just open the photo and see the series on the Algarve album. Wishing you all a fine Sunday, here some rain and this makes me happy!

SC86, Blur

06 Mar 2024 14 13 121
Since I had eye surgery and I have intraocular lenses, I no longer need glasses, but I have dry eyes and need to use drops regularly. Then, for one or two minutes, that's how I see the world! Another one on PIP, just with a small focused area. About the technic used it is easy: I just put my lens in macro position and I shoot as if it was not a macro, that is in a too far range from the subject, the result is a blur ! PIP ABOVE About SUNDAY CHALLENGE GROUP, if you want to look at other entries and eventually join just go there: and enjoy.

Toad under the blue water pipe!

01 Apr 2024 29 18 150
For Sunday Challenge group SC90 - Unusually blue

Red in my garage

Rumina decollata, Achatinidae, Penedos

07 Apr 2024 27 19 163
AKA Decollate snail SC91 - Miracle A miracle for me because we almost never see them any longer. In the last 30 years 80% of small animals in nature are no more to be found... The decollate snail (Rumina decollata) is a predatory snail that feeds on other snails, slugs, and the eggs of various land mollusks. Despite the fact that it will occasionally consume plant material too, this species is well-liked by gardeners because it keeps gardens free of more destructive snails. Decollate snails burrow into the soil to ride out cold or dry conditions.

219 items in total