Iceland, Cairn, made for Dante and his new friend...


Víti (Krafla) L1040581

Víti (Krafla)

21 Jun 2018 28 37 584
Viti is a large crater approximately 300m in diameter. Its name means Hell. It was formed during a 5-year long explosive eruption of the west side of Krafla in 1724. The wind was so violent that we could barely stand... so the pictures are... just what they are: snapshots!

The Namafjall geothermal field, Crateras

The Namafjall geothermal field, Pots

The Namafjall geothermal field

21 Jun 2018 2 174
The Namafjall geothermal field is located in Northeast Iceland, on the east side of Lake Myvatn. At this area, also known as Hverir, you may see many solfataras and boiling mud pots, surrounded by sulfur crystals of many different colours

The Namafjall geothermal field, Crateras and Pots

21 Jun 2018 25 16 493
The Namafjall geothermal field is located in Northeast Iceland, on the east side of Lake Myvatn. At this area, also known as Hverir, you may see many solfataras and boiling mud pots, surrounded by sulfur crystals of many different colours CLICK ON PICTURES TO GO TO THEIR PAGES

The Namafjall geothermal field, Crateras

The Namafjall geothermal field, Crateras

21 Jun 2018 25 30 475
PLS CLICK ABOVE FOR PIPS The Namafjall geothermal field is located in Northeast Iceland, on the east side of Lake Myvatn. At this area, also known as Hverir, you may see many solfataras and boiling mud pots, surrounded by sulfur crystals of many different colours

The Namafjall geothermal field, Crateras

The Namafjall geothermal field, Crateras

21 Jun 2018 27 14 429

The Namafjall geothermal field, Crateras L1004448

The Namafjall geothermal field, Crateras L1004429

The Namafjall geothermal field, HFF

21 Jun 2018 20 24 446
The Namafjall geothermal field is located in Northeast Iceland, on the east side of Lake Myvatn. At this area, also known as Hverir, you may see many solfataras and boiling mud pots, surrounded by sulfur crystals of many differe…

The Namafjall geothermal field

The Namafjall geothermal field

21 Jun 2018 19 15 383
PLS CLICK ABOVE FOR PIPs The Namafjall geothermal field is located in Northeast Iceland, on the east side of Lake Myvatn. At this area, also known as Hverir, you may see many solfataras and boiling mud pots, surrounded by sulfur crystals of many differe…

The Namafjall geothermal field

Krafla, Lava fields

Krafla, Lava fields

177 items in total