Iceland, Cairn, made for Dante and his new friend...


Geysir, Strokkur

16 Jun 2018 3 303
Strokkur is, arguably, the country’s most famous hot spring, shooting vast jets of boiling water from 20 metres (65 feet) up to 40 metres (130 feet) high. Strokkur erupts every five to ten minutes. Source:

Geysir, Strokkur

16 Jun 2018 21 10 648
Strokkur is, arguably, the country’s most famous hot spring, shooting vast jets of boiling water from 20 metres (65 feet) up to 40 metres (130 feet) high. Strokkur erupts every five to ten minutes. Source: WITH A CLICK ON THE PHOTOS UNDERNEATH YOU CAN GO TO THEIR PAGE.

Geysir, Strokkur

16 Jun 2018 3 184
Strokkur is, arguably, the country’s most famous hot spring, shooting vast jets of boiling water from 20 metres (65 feet) up to 40 metres (130 feet) high. Strokkur erupts every five to ten minutes. Source:

Geysir, Strokkur

16 Jun 2018 6 4 315
Strokkur is, arguably, the country’s most famous hot spring, shooting vast jets of boiling water from 20 metres (65 feet) up to 40 metres (130 feet) high. Strokkur erupts every five to ten minutes. Source:

Geysir L1040236

Geysir, Strokkur, water

16 Jun 2018 15 18 547
The mineral rich waters produce some wonderful rich and vivid colours as it leaches across the surface of the ground. Source: WITH A CLICK ON THE PHOTO UNDERNEATH YOU CAN GO TO ITS PAGE.

Geysir, Strokkur, water

16 Jun 2018 2 2 159
The mineral rich waters produce some wonderful rich and vivid colours as it leaches across the surface of the ground. Source:

Geysir, Fumarolas L1003951

Icelandic Horse, HFF

Seljalandsfoss L1003964

17 Jun 2018 1 193
Seljalandsfoss is a waterfall that can be fully encircled, situated on the South Coast of Iceland with a drop of 60 metres (200 feet). Due to the waterfall’s close proximity to the Ring Road and impressive natural features, it is one the country's most famous and visited falls. Majestic and picturesque, it is one of the most photographed features in all of Iceland. Geology and Surroundings Seljalandsfoss waterfall, part of the river Seljalandsá, has its origins underneath the glacier Eyjafjallajökull. The volcano beneath this ice cap was the one that erupted in 2010 and caused havoc at airports across Europe. The cascade of the falls is relatively narrow but falls from a tall cliff that once marked the country's coastline, the sea is now located across a stretch of lowlands and is visible from the site. Source:

Seljalandsfoss waterfall

17 Jun 2018 29 32 783
Seljalandsfoss is a waterfall that can be fully encircled, situated on the South Coast of Iceland with a drop of 60 metres (200 feet). Due to the waterfall’s close proximity to the Ring Road and impressive natural features, it is one the country's most famous and visited falls. Majestic and picturesque, it is one of the most photographed features in all of Iceland. Geology and Surroundings Seljalandsfoss waterfall, part of the river Seljalandsá, has its origins underneath the glacier Eyjafjallajökull. The volcano beneath this ice cap was the one that erupted in 2010 and caused havoc at airports across Europe. The cascade of the falls is relatively narrow but falls from a tall cliff that once marked the country's coastline, the sea is now located across a stretch of lowlands and is visible from the site. Source: PLS CLICK ABOVE FOR PIPs OR ON THE PICS UNDERNEATH TO GO TO THEIR PAGE. A BW version:

Seljalandsfoss L1003971

17 Jun 2018 1 195
Seljalandsfoss is a waterfall that can be fully encircled, situated on the South Coast of Iceland with a drop of 60 metres (200 feet). Due to the waterfall’s close proximity to the Ring Road and impressive natural features, it is one the country's most famous and visited falls. Majestic and picturesque, it is one of the most photographed features in all of Iceland. Geology and Surroundings Seljalandsfoss waterfall, part of the river Seljalandsá, has its origins underneath the glacier Eyjafjallajökull. The volcano beneath this ice cap was the one that erupted in 2010 and caused havoc at airports across Europe. The cascade of the falls is relatively narrow but falls from a tall cliff that once marked the country's coastline, the sea is now located across a stretch of lowlands and is visible from the site. Source:

Seljalandsfoss L1003972

17 Jun 2018 2 2 407
Seljalandsfoss is a waterfall that can be fully encircled, situated on the South Coast of Iceland with a drop of 60 metres (200 feet). Due to the waterfall’s close proximity to the Ring Road and impressive natural features, it is one the country's most famous and visited falls. Majestic and picturesque, it is one of the most photographed features in all of Iceland. Geology and Surroundings Seljalandsfoss waterfall, part of the river Seljalandsá, has its origins underneath the glacier Eyjafjallajökull. The volcano beneath this ice cap was the one that erupted in 2010 and caused havoc at airports across Europe. The cascade of the falls is relatively narrow but falls from a tall cliff that once marked the country's coastline, the sea is now located across a stretch of lowlands and is visible from the site. Source:

Seljalandsfoss L1003973

17 Jun 2018 1 183
Seljalandsfoss is a waterfall that can be fully encircled, situated on the South Coast of Iceland with a drop of 60 metres (200 feet). Due to the waterfall’s close proximity to the Ring Road and impressive natural features, it is one the country's most famous and visited falls. Majestic and picturesque, it is one of the most photographed features in all of Iceland. Geology and Surroundings Seljalandsfoss waterfall, part of the river Seljalandsá, has its origins underneath the glacier Eyjafjallajökull. The volcano beneath this ice cap was the one that erupted in 2010 and caused havoc at airports across Europe. The cascade of the falls is relatively narrow but falls from a tall cliff that once marked the country's coastline, the sea is now located across a stretch of lowlands and is visible from the site. Source:

Skógafoss waterfall

17 Jun 2018 31 33 755
A rainy day.... Skogafoss is a waterfall in the south of Iceland at the cliffs of the former coastline. After the coastline had receded seaward (it is now at a distance of about 5 kilometres (3.1 miles) from Skogar village), the former sea cliffs remained. Skogafoss is unique because the waterfall comes directly from two glaciers, Eyjafjallajokull and Myrdalsjokull. If you climb the 370 steps to the top of Skogafoss waterfall you’ll be rewarded with an awe-inspiring view out over southern Iceland’s coastline. This is also the start of the Fimmvorduhals pass, a popular hiking route. Standing at 60 meters (197 ft) tall, the heavy veil of water is impressive and walking close enough envelops visitors in a cloud of spray, sound and refracted light. Due to the amount of spray the waterfall consistently produces, a single or double rainbow is normally visible on sunny days. According to legend, a Viking named Thrasi hid his hoarded gold under the falls. Many have tried to find the chest of gold and, as the story goes, a young man almost succeeded. He tied a rope to the chest handle ring and pulled. He only retrieved the ring and returned with it. The ring was later used for the church door at Skogar. The river below the falls holds a large salmon and char population. Don’t be surprise to see fisherman fishing in the river from July – October. Source:

Vík í Mýrdal L1004009

Vík í Mýrdal

17 Jun 2018 25 39 923
Under rain and strong wind, almost impossible to take a decent picture... The peaceful seafront village of Vik in the fertile Myrdal Valley is set along a dramatic stretch of coastline, quaintly poised between glacier topped mountains, rugged sea cliffs and black sand beaches. PLS CLICK ABOVE FOR PIP OR IN THE PICTURE BELLOW TO GO TO ITS PAGE

Vík í Mýrdal DSC2409

177 items in total