Diana Australis' photos

Old car, Gaudi-esque

10 Apr 2012 13 13 2511
Rural Australian streetart. Remote country town.

Pincushion hakea

23 Apr 2012 13 7 778
Australian native plant. In my garden

Pres de chez moi

23 Apr 2012 7 5 674
Summertown Australia. Autumn cherry trees.


Resistance 2


Art students

21 Feb 2011 17 13 810
India. Hampi UNESCO World Heritage site.


16 Sep 2008 19 12 934
My garden Australian native plant.

Old barn

14 Apr 2012 12 10 768
Summertown. South Australia. Fond noir SVP.


07 Apr 2012 8 4 594
National Museum of Australia. Canberra

Emus. (Milieu naturel)...le bonheur est dans le pr…

11 Apr 2012 9 10 747
Rural Australia. Ils ne sont pas en captivite..ils sont entres dans une grande ferme (500,000 hectares) de boeufs et de moutons. C'est dans Australie rural, tres loin des villes. Merci Nadine de ce titre.

Autumn approaches...

14 Apr 2012 14 13 995
Summertown. Australia. The view from beside my house.


03 Feb 2012 6 13 907
Temple. Sri Lanka. Most odd representation.

Light dance

07 Apr 2012 11 6 786
Ceiling/ roof. National Museum of Australia. Canberra

Light games.....on black svp

13 Mar 2011 12 4 780
Bhuj Palace. Gujarat. India

Tribal women

12 Mar 2011 14 7 2252
Thar Desert. India. I photographed it like this with the thorn trees and wheel in front of the women to symbolize how they are cut off from the world. In terms of money, education, opportunity, they have nothing...and geographically their two houses are surrounded by thorn trees and desert. They and their families attempt subsistence farming in this isolated place. There is no electricity or sanitation.

Rural art

10 Apr 2012 6 5 860
Lockhart. Outback Australia. these areas were explored and settled using such wagons. A local artist has shown his ingenuity with old iron.

Two women

04 Apr 2012 9 5 494
Glenrowan. Victoria

2112 items in total