Diana Australis' photos


10 Jun 2024 36 35 78
A blind accordionist at a market in a regional small town in Tajikistan, in the Wakhan Valley, across the Panj river from Afghanistan. The people here are poor, and subsistence farmers Wishing you a peaceful and happy Friday, and a really fulfilling weekend


14 Sep 2014 1 1 3
One of our fellow passengers in Kamchatka was a Norwegian professional wildlife photographer. On Bering Island as he lay down to photograph Arctic foxes, one climbed on his head…,so cute!

Being foxy

14 Sep 2014 22 18 56
In 2014 I travelled on a simple expedition boat, a converted Russian icebreaker, run by a New Zealand company, around remote parts of Kamchatka and the Bering Sea islands in the Russian Far East. There were 45 of us in board in waterproofs and wellington boots. We tramped about the tundra tracking Kamchatka bears, walruses, and watched whales and sea birds and critters for 14 days. We landed on uninhabited Bering Island, and had fun with some juvenile Arctic foxes in their summer coats. They were totally unafraid, and came up to us as we sat on a windswept empty beach. One even nibbled my trousers ( middle picture) . Bering said of these animals that they had no fear and were a complete pest, raiding everything they could get into. It was a magical afternoon! Happy Wednesday!

The Great Fence of China goes on and on…

14 Jun 2024 39 32 104
On thé Pamir Highway at around 3500 mètres of altitude in the middle of nowhere in Tajikistan, the Great Fence of China (border )unrolls for a few hundred kilometres keeping out no-one in this vast desolation. It is surreal to see. I hope your Friday is gentle and kind, and your weekend peaceful.

Daily bread

28 May 2024 27 16 64
On a bread stall in the giant bakery section of Tashkent Central Market in Uzbekistan. It looks and smells like heaven there…. Enjoy your day…Diana


12 Jun 2024 36 32 96
At 3000meters height in a remote village in the Wakhan Valley of Tajikistan, we visited an ancient shrine. It was supposedly to a Sufi(mystical Muslim) holy man, but combined elements of what seemed like shamanism and animism. These are the skulls and horns of the high altitude dwelling Marco Polo sheep. There were hundreds of them atop all the walls and fences, adding an extra layer of ‘fencing’ to the shrine. They were blackened and had charred juniper and oil upon them. I have no idea of the full story, but it was very intriguing. Happy Friday all, and a wonderful weekend.

Afghanistan HFF

12 Jun 2024 50 38 119
Travelling along the Pamir highway at altitude in Tajikistan. The Panj River here forms the border with Afghanistan…here is a cross river view into the Wakhan Corridor …the bridge and fence are in Afghanistan. You can see them if you look at it large…a very long bridge. There is quite a large Tajik military presence along this very very long border to prevent fanatical Taliban insurgency across this river. At times it is only 3 meters across in the higher regions. Happy Friday. May your weekend be peaceful, happy and positive. Thanks for a visit…Dx

Tashkent market. Food stall

28 May 2024 38 22 104
Amid heady aromas of charcoal grilling, Tashkent Market has a food stall area where all the locals lunch at simple trestle tables. Delicious it was too…thé plov we had Plov is like a Central Asian area specialty dish of rice, carrots, lamb and goodies.


22 Jun 2024 49 41 128
Kashgar old city, Xinjiang, China. Now rebuilt as a tourist hub, it features highly decorated lanes and alleyways. A riot of colours, Enjoy a peaceful and happy weekend. Thanks for the visit Diana x

Pamir Highway HFF

14 Jun 2024 44 40 124
We travelled for 2 days along the Pamir Highway in Tajikistan at 3700-4300meters in altitude. This is the Great Fence of China, the border marker, snaking its way into the endless distance. The dirt track is the Highway as we head towards the high altitude border with Kyrgyzstan. We could travel a couple of hours without seeing any traffic, then a half dozen Chinese giant doubles would come rumbling across the horizon carrying heavy cargo through. A happy, joyous Friday to you. Stay well. Not too hot. Not too wet. Have an exceptionally fabulous weekend. D❤️

HFF at the buzkashi game

17 Jun 2024 46 42 127
A traditional village game of buzkashi, or kok buru in Kyrgyzstan. The game is played in every village and boys start to play as soon as they have strength and agility on horseback. The « ball » is the carcass of a goat (beheaded, disembowelled and with two limbs removed) which is placed in the centre. The object is to pick it up off the ground and get it to the opponent’s end of the field where it is thrown through the goal. Wrestling, tussling and fighting is allowed in an effort to tear the goat from the possessor. Ultimately the team who wins by scoring the most « goals » gets the goat. By then it is tenderised and shared out to be cooked by the winners. It was fascinating to watch the athleticism of the riders and the horses pounding up and down. It is a favourite game in many countries of Central Asia. Have an awesome Friday, and I hope your weekend is enjoyable, peaceful, and photogenic. Diana ❤️


07 Jun 2024 45 36 144
The National Monument of Ismoil Somoni in Friendship Square, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. This 13m high statue, crowned with gold, and surrounded by a 43m high arc/fence is a reference to the powerful hero who was a Persian leader (Tajik) who ruled the region in the Samanid era of the 9th century. The National currency bears his name. The president for life of Tajikistan has rebuilt Dushanbe on a grand scale with staggeringly huge buildings and monuments, including a flagpole which at 173 m high was briefly the tallest in the world. Meanwhile, people are poor, of course. Have a top Friday and a great weekend


29 May 2024 31 21 102
Part of the ancient city walls and a former madrasah in Khiva, Uzbekistan. As a very old city on the Silk Road Khiva is a magical place, its old walled centre maintained and restored, so its like walking through history. Because of its Soviet past, many of the abundance of former mosques and madrasahs have been repurposed into guest houses, museums or tea rooms. I found it captivating. Happy midweek moments to all. D ❤️

HFF from the high pastures

14 Jun 2024 28 17 131
In Kyrgyzstan in the mountains. A summer grazing camp with the family’s yurt and ex-Soviet caravan which is their summer home. Our driver stopped to buy the National drink…kumiss..fermented mare’s milk. A bit sour for me! Enjoy a wonderful weekend, all!

At the Caravanserai HWW

21 Jun 2024 36 25 135
In the mountains of Kyrgyzstan on the Silk Route heading from China, the huge remains of a fifteenth century caravanserai still stand. A safe haven against robbers, wild tribespeople and villains, traders took their caravans of pack animals into the safety of these thick stone walls, and stayed within the chambers inside. Also protection against the bitter night cold at these altitudes.


22 Jun 2024 42 27 143
Kashgar ‘old city’ in Xinjiang, China. A view down a side street…. Have a fabulous Friday, and a really wonderful weekend!

Black bee

06 Jun 2024 31 18 124
A giant black bee on wildflowers in Tajikistan. I have not seen a black bee before! Happy Thursday….❤️

A serve for you?

22 Jun 2024 33 21 127
Xinjiang, China. In the Old Town of Kashgar, an ancient Silk Route city in the desert. A Uighur food market….with chicken simmered in saffron, rose petals and jujubes. And such a pretty sight too! Happy Monday to all.

2131 items in total