Diana Australis' photos


06 Nov 2011 11 4 823
Palau de la Musica Catalana


03 Nov 2011 15 17 956
Casa Vicens. Antonio Gaudi

L'hiver chez moi

12 Jun 2012 9 6 713
Winter in Summertown


20 Feb 2011 23 14 785
Hampi. South India. UNESCO site

Of gods

20 Feb 2011 11 1 712
Hampi..India. On the ground, carved into granite bedrock. UNESCO site.

Child minder

20 Feb 2011 13 3 870
Hampi. India

Wedding carriage

18 Feb 2011 8 8 841
South India

Hindu temple

10 Feb 2012 10 9 897
North Sri Lanka

Paraguay: Norbert's giant anteater...Myrmecophaga…

11 May 2010 13 17 2791
In the Paraguayan Chaco, Norbert, a Mennonite farmer, had a young, hand reared giant anteater at his ranch, and took us to meet it. It ate meat from my hand with its long, sticky tongue! Their eyesight is poor, but sense of smell is keen. We had seen a huge wild one earlier in the day in the wilderness.

Paraguay: Norbert's giant anteater...Myrmecophaga…

11 May 2010 7 6 609
In the Paraguayan Chaco, Norbert, a Mennonite farmer, had a young, hand reared giant anteater at his ranch, and took us to meet it. It ate meat from my hand with its long, sticky tongue! The claws are evry dangerous.Their eyesight is poor, but sense of smell is keen. We had seen a huge wild one earlier in the day in the wilderness.

Paraguay: Norbert's giant anteater...Myrmecophaga…

11 May 2010 8 6 497
In the Paraguayan Chaco, Norbert, a Mennonite farmer, had a young, hand reared giant anteater at his ranch, and took us to meet it. It ate meat from my hand with its long, sticky tongue! Their eyesight is poor, but sense of smell is keen. We had seen a huge wild one earlier in the day in the wilderness.

Himalayan Vulture. Milieu naturel.FOND NOIR

25 Sep 2007 19 13 1112
A 3800m aux hautes Himalayas. These birds are becoming rare as their prey is contaminated with poisons from agriculture. I did not crop the photo.....the bird was on the roadside and I walked close to it.

Indus Valley. Lakdakh @ 4000 meters

10 Sep 2007 19 13 1210
High in Ladakh towards Tibet...ripe barley crops line the narrow valley.FOND NOIR

Le déjeuner sur l'herbe

04 Jun 2012 17 10 585
Winter. Australia.

Pres de chez moi...grass tree

31 May 2012 6 15 746
Xanthorrhoea. . This plant is a relic from the dinosaur age, a living fossil..found only in small areas of Australia. They are very slow growing..this is probably around 100 years old.

The street

07 Mar 2011 13 5 828
Mandawa. India


07 Mar 2011 9 6 783
Mandawa, India. Shops.

BMW Isetta 1955

19 Jun 2009 11 16 1187
Palace of Gwalior, India. Maharajah's car in the royal transport collection. Thanks Anne for the model and info Wikipedia (below)

2112 items in total