

Folder: Scrap

Magic revealed

Tape measure

21 Oct 2020 3 4 121
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge: " unit of measure " I used manual focus set to closest possible. Then I moved the camera to the point when the tape measure on foreground gets focused. I used the smallest aperture f/11.0 to get as wide depth of field as possible. I used so called daylight lamp to lit the subject, but the AUTO ISO still went up to 2500.

What is macro?

21 Oct 2020 112
" The finished photograph of a subject is greater than life size " (Wikipedia). Digital camera display (~3") is a good reference point. If the item seen on the camera display looks at least as big as it is in real life, then the image becomes magnified on the computer screen. You can also crop the image afterwards to make the item appear even bigger on the finished image. You may find the following video as useful: ▶️ Complete Macro Photography Tutorial for Beginners by Spencer Cox Photography

Trouver et supprimer les photos qui ne se trouvent…

28 Oct 2020 8 14 254
Trouver et supprimer les photos qui ne se trouvent dans aucun album. Pour répertorier les photos qui ne se trouvent dans aucun album. Ensuite, faites-les glisser de la barre d'images inférieure vers l'espace de travail pour en faire plus. Sur l'espace de travail, vous pouvez également en sélectionner plusieurs.

Coffee 36/50

02 Sep 2020 13 7 182
Best served cold Or not... But I did some experimenting with ready made ice coffees and cold brews. Some of them were actually pretty good, and not only as a revenge by someone who hates coffee.

Coffee 37/50

02 Oct 2020 21 6 187
Take a sip... Finnish Moomin hysteria has no limits! Every year there comes a new set of mugs, plates and other tableware. And also collectables, like mini mugs that are merely supposed to be used as pendants, key fobs or decorative items. And because I've been running out of coffee shot ideas, I decided to indulge myself with a set of these rather useless items.

Coffee 38/50

07 Mar 2020 35 19 211
A drop of coffee

Coffee 41/50

Coffee 42/50

22 Sep 2020 33 18 248
#DIYpareidolia I seem to have something unique at Instagram and here at ipernity, and that is #DIYpareidolia hashtag and DIYpareidolia keyword. Well, as a concept it is definitely nothing unique, but so far only I have used such hashtag/keyword. The idea is simple. One does not need to only search for pareidolia subjects around. One can also make them. Then they can be called as "Do It Yourself pareidolia" =D

Screenshot 20201119-143220

19 Nov 2020 3 14 158
Things made annoyingly difficult! I tried the filters at Gmail, but then ended up with this, which really is not whitelisting anything. I only get the messages redirected to inbox. Now I found another tip, which I try, to teach Gmail to whitelist . So, I removed the previously added filter, and wait what will happen during next days and weeks. If emails from ipernity still end up to SPAM box, then I try to "teach some more". This truly is a "self service society"! =,D

Edit keywords in case of capitonym errors

10 Feb 2021 5 18 518
Capitonym? "A capitonym is a word that changes its meaning when it is capitalized." - Wikipedia One may wonder why there may appear different keywords for cases like bridge and Bridge , thus also producing different browsing results, and referring to different keyword ID numbers. Keyword search for photos and documents is not case sensitive. So, you do not need to care about capitalization when using the photo or document search narrowed down to keywords only. But the keywords themselves are case sensitive. That affects when opening the keywords from the Explore Keywords , or when opening the keywords given next to each document. Sometimes there can be even a good reason to make the difference. So, if someone actually does want to use upper case first letter keyword Bridge for the images of Bridge in Kent , then unfortunately capitonym errors may cause "noise". Or in case of words that is the same in different languages, like [DE] Winter and [EN] winter . Then it makes sense to add both. Even when the document search is not case sensitive, one should still be careful on how to use keywords to avoid errors caused by capitonym. The recommendation is that people should follow the language specific grammar. Think of your audience. For example German nouns should be capitalized. If you wish to help people to find your images with keywords in most used languages, then provide for example German keywords (nouns capitalized), English keywords (names of the places capitalised) and French keywords according to French grammar. If you wish to correct some of your own capitonym errors, then go to your 'Photos' and open the 'Search by keywords' option from the 'Photos' drop down menu. What you get is the index list for all of the keywords you have ever used. Then check through especially names of the places, hover (point with cursor) on the keyword you wish to correct, and choose 'Edit' (see the main image). But if you have had a "bad habit" to use upper case first letter for all of the keywords you have been using for years, then this would turn out as an overwhelming task.

ipernity A propos de ce groupe

16 Feb 2021 3 3 140
Vous pouvez donner les descriptions de chaque langue séparément dans les paramètres d'administration du groupe. Il est recommandé de fournir au moins une description du groupe en trois langues : français, anglais et allemand. Il en va de même pour les règles du groupe, si des règles sont définies. N'oubliez pas de sauvegarder la page après avoir ajouté chacune des descriptions spécifiques à la langue ! Une des langues peut être définie par défaut. Cela signifie qu'un visiteur utilisant par exemple l'espagnol comme langue de préférence, obtient la description de groupe par défaut (par exemple le français), si la description en espagnol n'est pas disponible. Traduit avec www.deepl.com/Translator (version gratuite)

121 items in total