

Folder: Scrap


04 Oct 2018 4 4 574
[EN] Worth more than thousand words? 1) Copy the URL address at Ipernity. Make sure you use www-pages and not the mobile pages at https://m.ipernity.com ! 2) Paste the URL address onto post or comment at Facebook after your description. Make sure add an empty space before the cursor. [FR] Ça vaut plus que mille mots ? 1) Copiez l'adresse URL à Ipernity. Assurez-vous d'utiliser les pages www et non les pages mobiles à https://m.ipernity.com ! 2) Collez l'adresse URL sur un message ou un commentaire sur Facebook après votre description. Assurez-vous d'ajouter un espace vide avant le curseur. [DE] Mehr als tausend Worte wert? 1) Kopieren Sie die URL-Adresse bei Ipernity. Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie www-Seiten verwenden und nicht die mobilen Seiten unter https://m.ipernity.com ! 2) Füge die URL-Adresse nach deiner Beschreibung in den Beitrag oder Kommentar auf Facebook ein. Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie vor dem Cursor ein Leerzeichen einfügen.

Is Ipernity secure or not?

13 Nov 2018 6 11 292
People frequently ask whether they can use Ipernity safely. Short answer is mostly yes. Your login password and all personal settings are secured. On other pages you will get browser warning for not secured web site. Recently for example Chrome has started to give even a red alert when you use any input fields (e.g. edit image caption or comment on photos). But what does it mean? There is a small possibility someone gets a chance to spy the transaction between your computer and the server, and sees what you have posted. This is a small problem if you are dealing with private images and using Ipernity mail. Therefore it is strongly recommended not to use private albums, articles and Ipernity mail for anything top-secret. Especially don't send any top-secret information via Ipernity mail! Use your email provider instead. The risk to become spied increases if and when using public wireless network in some internet cafe, airport or hotel. But again, even then your login and settings are secured. Unfortunately ima currently has not enough resources (money and developers) to write all code for all pages again, and make the whole web site secure (https). More to read Easy Understanding of Web Protocols - HTTP and HTTPS: www.izooto.com/blog/understanding-http-https-protocols

Screenshot 2018-11-13 14.04.09.pngSecureLogin

Whirlpool from last autumn

25 Sep 2018 23 25 406
Did you know you can show animated GIFs on image caption and notes (PiPs)? On image ACTIONS-menu choose 'See all sizes' and copy the embed code for the original image. Then past it onto caption, note or comment. Ipernity resizes the image to fit it onto caption or comment width, but the animation runs as it should. For the sake of speed and space, it is of course recommended to keep the image size reasonable. In this case the original is somewhat too large (900px wide and 2MB). Which means I need to find a way to scale down such GIFs. I also tested if I could use such animated GIFs on blog articles here at Ipernity, but unfortunately that didn't work out. This one I found from my Google Images where Google automatically created an animated GIF from a series of images I took.

Allow image download to everyone...

01 Feb 2019 10 9 346
Here's somewhat delicate topic. As you may know, images at ipernity are "protected" against "download theft" with overlapping z.gif. However, that method really is not very effective because anyone who knows even a little how to see the page source or use browser's "inspect" tool, also knows how to open and download any image displayed on the web page. Moreover, there is a minor design flaw in case of images shared under Creative Commons. If you share something marked as "CC Attribution", like all my resent images, only those who have ipernity account are able to download the image from the Actions menu. That is not enough, because Creative Commons means that the use under Creative Commons should be then allowed to everyone, no matter if they have ipernity account or not. Whether one then follows the instructions and ideas on how CC is supposed to work, is then up to the user: creativecommons.org/use-remix/get-permission On desktop browsers there is also an alternative easy workaround to get rid of the z.gif images. That can be done by installing Stylish extension for Chrome or corresponding add-on for Firefox, and then the Ipernity Dark style 2018 v1.0 for ipernity: userstyles.org/styles/browse?search_terms=ipernity&type=false On bottom of that page you get download links for Stylish extension/add-on, which you have to get first, and then install and enable the Dark style 2018 v1.0 for ipernity. What you then get is z.gif removed from the pages shown via menu 'Actions > See all sizes' here at ipernity. The limitation of this method is that it only works on few desktop browsers, and as far as I know, it doesn't work on mobile phone browsers. More about this here, on my blog article: www.ipernity.com/blog/serola/4716848

Spell check blog article

06 Feb 2019 4 3 369
▻ Read the article on this here

GeoImgr test

28 Apr 2019 9 2 328
Blog article about GeoImgr and more about 'How to add geolocation before upload' available here: www.ipernity.com/blog/serola/4722076

Testing Picasa 3 ...

22 May 2019 2 5 276
... to add geolocation and make copies of images for web. See my blog article for short introduction .

How to change the dates when picture is posted and…

05 Jul 2019 15 31 923
UPDATE December 13, 2020: Currently there are no magical way to get images uploaded. The only way to make something appear as "new" is to change the 'Posted' date of some old images as explained on this old post of mine. Hover the mouse cursor on right side next to 'Posted on...' or 'Photo taken on...' date. Click on appearing '(change)' link. Then change the date as you wish on the opening dialog box. For example you may wish to change the date 'Posted on...' to make some older upload appear on your contacts' 'News'again. That trick is perfectly alright to do, to for example make some useful blog article or image appear again on 'News' after doing some updates on it. Moreover, this trick is useful if you first upload image as private, and then later on wish to turn it public and appear on 'News'. To change date when 'Photo taken on...' is useful if for example you have forgot to correct your camera's calendar, or you have scanned some old printed or film media images of your's. Update by Bernhard (Bergfex): Please note that re-posting has no influence on the placement in the gallery. This is because the gallery does not use a date stamp, but the sequential number of the upload, which is entered during the upload and can never be manipulated. For this reason, old images will never appear in the gallery if you move them to the front of your photo stream by changing the 'date posted'. Update concerning the group contributions Moreover, there is no need to worry about the order of group contributions, if and when the 'Posted' date becomes changed. All the contributions and their order within the groups remains as the same.

How to view notes on touch screen

14 Jan 2019 10 13 461
Android phones and tablets (tested on Chrome): On a single image view: 1) Long press on image (touch the screen and hold the finger down) 2) If dialog to do further actions with the image opens, click "back" ( ◄ or ← or ⮐ or some other symbol), or click the screen somewhere outside of the opened action menu. 3) Now the small note boxes should be visible, and you can tap on each of them to see each of those notes. It is recommended to start from the notes on bottom. So, you can then proceed to notes above. UPDATE January 14, 2020, the solution for iPad mini iOS 9.3.5: On a single image view: 1) Long press on the image 2) Click anywhere on the page outside of the menu that opened, to get it disappear 3) Click anywhere on the image. Now instead of opening the image on full screen, the notes should appear.

Sabattier effect aka solarization

30 Sep 2019 5 2 363
One of my favorite post processing effects is Sabattier effect aka solarization. This is easy to do with any editor that provides 'Curves Tool' (PicMonkey, GIMP, Photoshop, Snapseed for Android etc.). I recommend trying all kinds of curve shapes, like: ⋀ V W /\/\ /\/ etc. All you need is to click on any point of the curve to "lock" and/or stretch it to another position. Undo and start again if the results does not look nice enough.

Screenshot 2019-10-10 10.44.32

Screenshot 2019-10-11 12.24.47

121 items in total