Risa Profana's photos


17 Dec 2023 12 5 66
Based on Robert Race's design from the book "Making Moving Toys and Automata". Wine corks, reclaimed wood, feathers.


17 Dec 2023 5 54
Based on Robert Race's design from the book "Making Moving Toys and Automata". driftwood, reclaimed wood and cane,beads, wire.


17 Dec 2023 5 2 57
Reclaimed wood, beads, wire.

Year of the rabbit

17 Dec 2023 5 3 143
Based on Robert Race's design from the book "Making Moving Toys and Automata". Driftwood, reused wood, thread, maizecob leafs, screws.


17 Dec 2023 6 50
Reclaimed wood, driftwood, wire. Tinted with rust.


17 Dec 2023 4 56
Based on Robert Race's design from the book "Making Moving Toys and Automata". Driftwood, reclaimedd wood beads, wire and reused metal.


17 Dec 2023 7 3 57
Automaton, based on Robert Race's "mumbling bird" design from his book Making Simple Automata. Reclaimed wood, tinted with rust.


06 Dec 2023 14 17 80
Automaton, reused wood, tinted with rust. Bird after a design by Robert Race. I have been out of Ipernity for some time while learning to make automata, which has been until now such a fun. I have very little knowledge about mechanics, so I have to learn that too. It keeps my mind and hands engaged. The only problem now is that I have to learn to make videos to film them and that is such a bore! That is why I haven't' uploaded here for a while.


23 Mar 2023 9 7 99
Rubber-cement resist with inks. I am loving the results of that resist method, have to try more.


21 Mar 2023 7 2 81
Ink on paper, resist with rubber cement.


20 Mar 2023 10 5 91
Made these today.

Year of the rabbit

14 Mar 2023 9 106
Little time to scan and upload daily last week, but still going on.

Mother rabbit spits her babies under the moon

07 Mar 2023 12 3 94
Ink on paper I read yesterday that long time ago in China people thought that only female rabbits existed and they gave bird while gazing at the moon and spiting their young trough their mouths.

Moon rabbit

07 Mar 2023 7 83
Ink on paper en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_rabbit


05 Mar 2023 7 1 82
Ink on paper D12 of #100dayproject


05 Mar 2023 5 75
Ink on paper D11 of #100dayproject

Lost in Coconino

03 Mar 2023 11 2 81
Ink on paper. D10 - #The100dayproject


02 Mar 2023 7 4 51
Ink on paper. D9 of the 100 day project and I'm already getting tired of uploading each thing I see as a simple exercise...

553 items in total