Eastern Tiger Swallowtail --

Butterflies -Bees- Moths - Dragonflies

- from August 2013 on - will find most in Central North Carolina

.. older photos found in my yard .. around town .. Central Florida, USA ..

..since Dragonflies/Damselflies & Mosquito hawks had no home, this shall be where we can find them

.. now home to the Clearwing Moths

.. butterfly / moth list from 2013-2016 - 2017
NC only

- Admiral

- American Lady
- American Sn…  (read more)

21 Jun 2018

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369 visits

Pamy Flowers -

Joy ! Yellow Gold ! Thank you, OK ! Skipper butterfly has discovered the False Sunflowers (Heliopsis helianthoides) under the Dogwood trees - She flitted back and forth from one to another - Checking - Is this one as good as the last one - Got to go back and check - One thing I've learned (from the exhausting days of butterfly chasing) - They return to where you saw them - So, stay put - You scattered the seeds - They have started to come - Just have camera ready to shoot ! Oklahoma refers to Pam J who lives in a very remote part of that State - she gifted me with the first seeds - Since they self-seed - All one really needs to do is enjoy (unless you want to send seeds to another Soul to enjoy) Seeds have gone to Diane and also to my niece - about 15 min. away --- No photos.... yet © All rights reserved * 1 PiP in each left corner * -- EXPLORE --

18 Apr 2018

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392 visits

Polygonia sp.

Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis) Or - Eastern Comma ( Polygonia comma ) First Of Year and a Lifer - 2018 - 3 PiP - upper Left corner each panel - - 1 Note in panel 2 over white mark on wing - © All Rights Reserved

24 Oct 2017

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1 199 visits

Another Link in The Chain .. bees to bees ..

.. we depend on each other - there is a scientific explanation for the bee and Zinnia - anyone can look it up - but, if we didn't have bees - how would we have food - flowers - life - the bee and Zinnia need each other - that is all WE all need each other Be kind to somebody you don't know - Tell somebody you do know a nice thing (don't wait until it can be put into a eulogy) Hugggzzz are healing - Here come some for YOU ~ ❤❤❤❤❤❤ © All Rights Reserved -- 5 PiP -- .. EXPLORE ..

24 Oct 2017

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647 visits

Today has been brought to you ..

by the Band known as B - With Backup group Flowerz Bees Butterflies - Variegated Fritilllary - Common Buckeye - And the lovely Skippers !! Just as the flowers have seen better days - So have most of these visitors - But, they are still beautiful in my eyes - © All Rights Reserved

10 Oct 2017

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825 visits

The Monarch ..

Monarch (Danaus plexippus) .. in The Dogwood Patch - A Garden On a Pink Zinnia © All Rights Reserved All four ( 4 ) PiP on Left side .. EXPLORE..

06 Oct 2017

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562 visits

Stained-glass Day ..

Monarch (Danaus plexippus) .. in The Dogwood Patch - A Garden PiP 1 PiP 2 - taken on False Sunflowers in The Dogwood Patch - A Garden PiP 3 PiP 4 - taken on Buddleja (next door) © All Rights Reserved

01 Oct 2017

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781 visits

Oh, yes ..

he is a BIG one .. not a Carpenter Bee, but one of so many varieties of pollinators .. he stretched from one side of the False Sunflower to the other .. This is the 1st one seen with dark wings - all others are somewhat clear -- not this one ! © All Rights Reserved 1 PiP EXPLORE

26 Sep 2017

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570 visits

Doubles ~

Painted Ladies - Returned to check out the False Sunflower nectar - This is an A - Ha Moment - One thinks you got the shot - But until I can see it on my monitor - That is the moment of truth - Haven't been out yet today (Wednesday) - But these gals were here two (2) days in a row - Markings on their wings are how ID them - © All Rights Reserved * ! PiP larger size * EXPLORE

25 Sep 2017

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671 visits

No ..

Not expected .. Taken on Monday, 25 Sept 2017 around noon - Saved for differences in flowers... It's not a good photo, but one of those 'well, maybe I can do something with it' .. This is why I never delete photos in the camera .. From SD card to hard drive .. Then, I dig through them for gems .. Hadn't noticed the Painted Ladies on the Zinnias until this morning .. Was looking for something else .. And there they were ! © All Rights Reserved EXPLORE
318 items in total