Eastern Tiger Swallowtail --

Butterflies -Bees- Moths - Dragonflies

- from August 2013 on - will find most in Central North Carolina

.. older photos found in my yard .. around town .. Central Florida, USA ..

..since Dragonflies/Damselflies & Mosquito hawks had no home, this shall be where we can find them

.. now home to the Clearwing Moths

.. butterfly / moth list from 2013-2016 - 2017
NC only

- Admiral

- American Lady
- American Sn…  (read more)

11 Sep 2018

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648 visits

An Evening Visitor . . . .

TheViceroy butterfly is smaller in size than a Monarch; has a darker orange color and shows a black line that crosses the hindwing. This bright surprise topped off a sunshine day [ that we probably won't see again for awhile ] - If Florence has her say - One good thing about living in Florida so many years - Had Hurricane-prep down to a science ! Just thought I might not have to do it in North Carolina - Ha - Surprise - surprise -- Got the staples - Got each other - Books - playing cards and other things pre-computer ! Now, do not plan on not having power, but that is beyond my control - If you don't see me for a few days - Check NOAA - See if they were correct and Flo came right on top of us ! Oh, got plenty of wine - Mr C can have the water :) -- EXPLORE -- © All rights reserved - 4 PiP -

25 Aug 2018

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410 visits

Monarch Beauty ...

Stained Glass Wings - Tiffany Glass - Beauty of Mother Nature - Monarch (Danaus plexippus) - Journey North - "Journey North engages citizen scientists in a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. Report your sightings. Track the migration. Explore monarch resources. Contact us." www.journeynorth.org If you see any Monarchs [ or the other 19 areas JN tracks ], please report them to help keep the site up to date and as accurate as possible. There are 20 different categories ... Even if you don't report something, go take a look. Fascinating ! © All rights reserved - 3 PiP - Top left corner each photo -

21 Aug 2018

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583 visits

Flying in for a visit -

Snowberry Clearwing Moth (Hemaris diffinis) -- www.jeffpippen.com/naturephotos/hemaris-diffinis.htm There are two kinds in our part of North Carolina .. this one and the Hummingbird Moth .. Very fast flyers, but at times do pause long enough for a photo [even if a bit blurred] . - from NCSU -- North Carolina State University website.. Common Name(s): False Dragon Head, Obedient plant Physostegia virginiana Categories: Native Plants, Perennials, Wildflowers - 3 PiP across the top - © All rights reserved -- EXPLORE --

15 Aug 2018

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646 visits

Stained Glass Wings

Monarch (Danaus plexippus) male .. Early for this area .. Went out this evening to check .. There he was .. Going from False Sunflowers to Cosmos and back again .. Such an unexpected JOY ~ - 2 PiP across the top - © All rights reserved -- EXPLORE --

11 Aug 2018

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208 visits

.. about butterflies

'' Butterflies are self-propelled flowers.'' - Robert A. Heinlein © All rights reserved EXPLORE

23 Jul 2018

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632 visits

Wings for Monday --

* PiP * - one in each Top Left corner Top Left - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Top Right -Crescent [ worn out ] Bottom Right - same ETS Bottom Left - Eastern Tailed Blue or Hairstreak [ that's as close as can be found ] Found in my yard over 3 days - Didn't have to visit my neighbor ! As a Dear Soul has told me, "I take a chair out and wait" ... That is the easiest way [ for me ] because they return to the same flowers .. Or at least close by .. If you are so inclined, Happy Butterflying ! © All Rights Reserved --EXPLORE--

15 Jul 2018

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448 visits

Horace's Duskywing --

Horace's Duskywing [ Erynnis horatius ] female - A Lifer for me ~ Searched Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America and www.jeffpippen.com for an ID .. www.jeffpippen.com/butterflies/horacesduskywing.htm Got a confirmation from a butterfly-nut [ like me ] - but he knows his stuff ! On a False Sunflower .. thanks to SAB ... © All Rights Reserved --EXPLORE--

05 Jul 2018

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474 visits

She's A Lady -

An American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis) on white Yarrow .. Such an elegant Lady .. © All Rights Reserved --EXPLORE--

30 Jun 2018

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502 visits

Morning visit ..

“The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.” - Hippocrates - from an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly - nectaring on Koreanspice Viburnum and several different bees -- it makes one wonder about being close to another without doing any harm -- they respected the space of the other -- no disagreements - it put my vision of most of humanity on a lower level than the butterfly and the bee * 7 PiP across top [ with # 7 larger ] © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE -- ( my weekend has started off in superb fashion -- may yours also, My Friends )
318 items in total