Eastern Tiger Swallowtail --

Butterflies -Bees- Moths - Dragonflies

- from August 2013 on - will find most in Central North Carolina

.. older photos found in my yard .. around town .. Central Florida, USA ..

..since Dragonflies/Damselflies & Mosquito hawks had no home, this shall be where we can find them

.. now home to the Clearwing Moths

.. butterfly / moth list from 2013-2016 - 2017
NC only

- Admiral

- American Lady
- American Sn…  (read more)

04 Jul 2019

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348 visits

Eastern TigerSwallowtail ..

ETS - Eastern TigerSwallowtail [ Papilio glaucus ] - one of the largest butterflies in our area - yellow with black are male or female - one has to check the orange spots and blue coloring - on lower wings to determine if male or female - also come in black, but they are always female - sometimes difficult to identify - there are several dark Swallowtail butterflies here - so, just dig out "Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America" .- PiP in each photo .. L corner © All rights reserved --EXPLORE--

28 Jun 2019

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589 visits

Similar -

- to a Monarch, yet the black line across the hind wings - is a certain ID that this is a Viceroy - not even related to a Monarch ! www.jeffpippen.com/butterflies/viceroy.htm - 2 PiP - - 1 Note over distinguishing mark on hind wings - © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

30 Apr 2019

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374 visits

Surprise !

Red Admiral ( Vanessa atalanta ) - In the side yard - Looked down - Surprise! Hadn't seen one in a couple of years - What a treat ! © All rights reserved - 1 PiP - EXPLORE

15 Oct 2018

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370 visits

Poetography Group ..

".. you're nuts but you're welcome here." - Steve Martin The large Carpenter Bee on a False Sunflower and the very small Skipper - This quote seems that it could be the Bee buzzing to the Butterfly - Imagination ! © All Rights Reserved --EXPLORE--

14 Oct 2018

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477 visits

Fall Flowers and Guests ..

Six photos - Each has a PiP in upper Left corner - Bees and Butterflies are sharing the rest of pollen and nectar - But - White Lilac doesn't bloom this time of year - With the very warm temperatures, it must be confused - Then, look a the middle bottom - A Zinnia - Planted an entire package of seeds - This is the first and only one seen - Oh, Nature can confuse this human - © All Rights Reserved

04 Oct 2018

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513 visits

A good year ..

- for Stained Glass Wings - while many areas in North Carolina have higher counts of Monarchs - this is the first year we have had them in double digits - just being able to see them and share them with you - is an honor Monarch (Danaus plexippus) - male - on False Sunflowers -- seeds from Pam J © All Rights Reserved - 1 PiP - .. EXPLORE ..

23 Sep 2018

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371 visits

Stained Glass Wings ..

When a butterfly is in almost constant motion, this is as good as it gets .. Over at the Arts Center, he flew from one flower to another .. From these Buddleja .. Over to the Ham 'n Eggs Lantana .. Then back again .. Delightful to watch .. Challenging to photograph ! © All Rights Reserved - 1 PiP - -- EXPLORE --

17 Sep 2018

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287 visits

'Florence' Butterflies ...

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), Female - same one in both photos Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) Silver-spotted Skipper - And - The tattered, worn beauty - Possibly a Red-Spotted Purple ( Limenitis arthemis ) - It was so good to get outside with the Sun and a blue North Carolina sky - Even if only between showers - Where I live, we missed Tropical Storn/Depression Florence by about 20 miles - Dodged a bullet - Now, we will have a 'Peanut Butter Party' ! © All Rights Reserved - 1 PiP -

17 Sep 2018

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565 visits

A Good Day -

The Common Buckeye is Pam Johnson's favorite butterfly - So, this is for her ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the latest update from Jay: "Pam is awake! I went in at 9am and she was awake. I told her everyone missed her and such. I told her I mowed the lawn and she raised her brow. "Then she wanted to talk and could not because of the tube. That's when she went into a panic attack and they had to sedate her. So, I got 3 minutes with her. "After the staff reported that she had been awake earlier in the morning, the head doctor decided it was time to remove the tube. That will probably happen today." Please post this wherever you like, it is the version Jay expects to be published. - received from Marty [San Francisco Gal-Pal of Pam Johnson] 09/18/2018 [ no idea which time zone this one is as Marty is in Kansas now and Jay is in Oklahoma ] Archive Airings AA-264 - ** ABOUT ** -- EXPLORE --
318 items in total