Oh, yes ..

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Oh, yes ..

01 Oct 2017 25 24 781
he is a BIG one .. not a Carpenter Bee, but one of so many varieties of pollinators .. he stretched from one side of the False Sunflower to the other .. This is the 1st one seen with dark wings - all others are somewhat clear -- not this one ! © All Rights Reserved 1 PiP EXPLORE

Bliss . . .

26 Sep 2017 21 15 831
Colors - Shapes - PiP in left corner of each photo - Japanese Anemone (Honora Jobert) took a month to bloom - False Sunflowers have been blooming forever, it seems - Now .. Pink Zinnias were the flowers of choice for the Painted Lady - Actually there were 2 of them - Happy Butterflying ! © All Rights Reserved

There is a Spider ..

17 Sep 2017 9 7 654
In my garden .. But, other than her fascinating web-art .. Skills at eating bad critters .. This year .. There is a small brown one also .. I have no idea .. All I can tell you is that it is growing larger .. Any suggestions .. ? ** 1 PiP ** © All Rights Reserved

Nature . . .

31 Aug 2017 9 5 631
while this computer was at Doc B's .. photos were taken here and next door .. it was as though I was missing something .. yes, the habit of going to my computer .. I don't tend to miss something .. until I can't have it .. . THEN - I can think of 100's of reason why I really do need it .. when my car was in the shop .. could think of all these places I really needed to go .. Mr C said, "drive my car.." I drove around the block .. gave him the keys back .. "what's wrong?" asked Mr C .. me - it is too low ( I have a CR-V ) that is up higher .. and the brake - you have to have your foot on the brake to start the car ! if you have a Mazda, you know what I mean .. that is weird .. at least to me, so I walked around the yard .. searching for photos .. Found these Swallowtails .. Dark one next door and the Yellow in our garden .. we've had an abundance of Skippers .. and the Zinnias are still bloomin' ! but, all is good .. got some needed things off the external hard drive .. helps very much .. and -- thank you PJ for the Adobe link :) © All Rights Reserved

Fly ..

24 Aug 2017 19 9 782
with those elegant wings - but, pause at the Buddleja - next door - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly (f) - ( Papilio glaucus ) © All Rights Reserved PiP

Pipevine Swallowtail -

22 Aug 2017 7 10 641
[Battus philenor] -- to me they are they most 'hyperactive' butterflies -- getting a shot of them still -- take many shots -- many ! even these aren't still -- close enough for ' government work ' in my book of digital memories -- * 1 PiP * © All Rights Reserved

Petals . . .

20 Aug 2017 10 12 573
Zinnia of pink grows tall against a blue sky - North Carolina US sky - Simple - Things - Easy going - As it should be - © All Rights Reserved

Brunch ..

19 Aug 2017 15 9 898
"Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana) got its common name because you can bend the individual flowers in any direction you like - a nice feature for floral displays. Unfortunately, obedient plant is not so obedient in the garden, where it can spread quite aggressively, by rhizomes. Also called False Dragonhead .. www.thespruce.com/obedient-plant-1402852 " This Skipper had them all to himself .. and was enjoying it ! Each photo has a PiP - top left corner .. © All Rights Reserved

Stained Glass wings -

16 Aug 2017 25 12 923
Monarch (m) - (Danaus plexippus) - Nectar from pink Zinnias must be tasty - He didn't visit any others - This is an early visit - From this Elegant Flyer - 1 PiP © All Rights Reserved

Purple Attraction . .

14 Aug 2017 11 12 624
- Petunias of Purple have a wonderful aroma - maybe all Petunias do - but, since we don't have any but Purple - shall remain with my thoughts about Purple - must be why Clearwing Moths are attracted - flying quickly from one delectable feast to another - Clearwing Moths (if you have photographed them) - do not pose - not as bad as the Pipevine Swallowtail - but fast flyers none the less - one shot with no flower in it - that is the stare-down - he was overhead - the human just aimed in his direction - many photos are just being in the right place - at the right time - at least that is my story © All Rights Reserved

In motion -

13 Aug 2017 15 16 639
- even when perched on a flower, the wings will flutter - if you have taken photos (or tried) - to capture a Pipevine Swallowtail [Battus philenor] - be set to take many, many shots - just to get a few that you like * 1 PiP * © All Rights Reserved

Now What ?

05 Aug 2017 28 18 758
Have these ' cupcake ' Zinnias - Thought that chocolate icing would be really nice - But - But - It seems to be gone ~ Now what do I do ? © All Rights Reserved

Zinnias - Skippers

02 Aug 2017 13 7 432
Colors and shapes - Layers of petals - Zinnias can look like delicate unfolding works of art - Or - WHAM .. I'm Here! Skippers pick different ones or camp out on a favorite - Balance can be tricky - But, really guys - Did you not think I'd be back ? Until you keep your promise of getting the 'big wings'; here - Y'all are the only show in the Yard ! Smile for the camera : ) © All Rights Reserved

Good gracious, Mz Holly ...

29 Jul 2017 13 20 495
Mz Hollyhock was host to this bee for at least an hour .. He was there when I went out .. Still there when I came back in .. For all I know, he's is there .. Many hours later .. Watching him go around .. Gathering pollen .. Sometimes in a full circle .. Other times .. He would stop half-way .. And go back where he had been .. Don't see how there is more room for more pollen .. Plus, think he will get airborne .. If bees get drunk off pollen ... Then, there is a Drunken Bee in my yard : ) © All Rights Reserved

Thank You ALL

28 Jul 2017 9 9 547
Last night (y'all had contributed over 980 photos) - This morning 28 July 2017 - Took a look - It had just gone past 1000 - Y'all make me so proud - Thank You for taking a chance on this - And - Get a piece of cake to CELEBRATE ! Done in PicMonkey -

You are being watched -

21 Jul 2017 15 12 466
by a Skipper trying to enjoy nectar left in this Zinnia - starting at top Left - ending on the bottom Left - somewhat disgusted look - if my 'Skipper-reading' skills are up-to-date - © All Rights Reserved

Tic Tac Toe ..

18 Jul 2017 11 10 595
Noughts and Crosses - Xs and Os - Per: Wikipedia, this can be traced back to Ancient Egypt - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe This is the Zinnia Version 2017 - Available soon at a store near you - © All Rights Reserved

Winged Elegance . . .

16 Jul 2017 17 20 448
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly ( f ) -- Enjoying nectar from Cosmos of orange and yellow -- Beautiful blue sky for such a visit -- She is a bit dinged, but oh, to me, still a beauty -- This time I didn't need to visit my neighbor for photos -- Many, many photos taken -- Honest -- That isn't including the ones trashed ! Am still in awe of her beauty -- Largest photo on left -- She was almost touching the lens -- Hope you enjoy her visit as much as did I -- © All Rights Reserved suggest typing z and make large

445 items in total