Oh, yes ..

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Wings ..

14 Jul 2017 11 13 415
in the neighborhood - just across the driveway - thank you, Danny - even though this Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) - didn't visit our flower - this was close enough - -collage done in PicMonkey- -Font: Segoe Print (using special effects) © All Rights Reserved

No ...

09 Jul 2017 5 16 330
- rejected by Ms Finch for the new nest - her standards are even higher with this one - if there is a Code for Nests - she probably wrote it - just went and looked out the front door - no progress - this porch was cleaned off 2 days ago - with things Ms Finch was weaving into the new nest - she deconstructed the nest - sigh - maybe construction will resume ( all this on the porch had been in the new nest )

To the day !

05 Jul 2017 16 13 519
It certainly pays to keep records -- The Eastern Swallowtail butterfly has been in counties all around us -- Knew our time was getting near -- So, last year on July 5, 2016 -- The first one appeared ( but an hour later ) -- Today -- One ETS -- Eastern Tiger Swallowtail -- In the yard -- Along with Carpenter bees and Skippers -- And the elusive Hummingbird ! What a great start for the day -- ** 4 notes ** © All Rights Reserved

The Pink Stretch ...

26 Jun 2017 17 11 481
Hollyhock not quite open - Guess this is the 'Pink Stretch' - A joy to have this volunteer again this year - Even though she must be protected from creepy crawly beetles - © All Rights Reserved

.. a gift

20 Jun 2017 13 15 475
Kwanso petals begin .. Unfurling layers of tangerine beauty .. This is the first time I've caught this part of Mother Nature .. It is a gift ..

Softness ..

01 Nov 2016 11 17 475
Amid the bright colors of Autumn - A Flowering Almond must bloom - Weather has been very warm - Keep telling Pam J that it is 'Alien Weather ' - Thought it is nice to see Ms Almond, wish she and the other buds would stop - Return in March, please - © All Rights Reserved

Large and Loud -

01 Nov 2016 9 16 474
A time to gather .. Pollen from False Sunflowers .. Carpenter Bees are very active .. Very few Skipper butterflies are around .. Though when the Skippers do show up .. They flit around in a frenzy .. Though these Eastern Carpenter Bees ( Xylocopa virginica ) are quite large .. Balance is no problem .. Even when a gust of wind blows .. They hang on .. On the right side .. Upside down .. Is a male Carpenter Bee .. With his distinguishing facial white spot .. There are literally hundreds of varieties of Carpenter Bees .. -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

Fall ...

25 Oct 2016 9 14 411
Changes in the air - Changes in colors - Bright ones are becoming subdued - Bees are still active - Skipper butterflies go from one flower to the next - As if in a frenzy - Changes - © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE -- [ suggest viewing on black ]

Shapes of Wings ...

17 Oct 2016 3 10 399
October wings - Skippers and bees - Variegated Fritillary ( Euptoieta claudia ) - Red Admiral ( Vanessa atalanta ) . taken at The Arts Center - © All Rights Reserved

Colors for a rainy day ...

04 Oct 2016 5 6 366
This is a day for people who like or at least don't mind rain. This is my cure - go back a few days when the sunrise was beautiful .. edit a few photos and put them in the order the sky changed colors. Always keep some in my digital bank for such times. (taken Oct 4, 2016) © All Rights Reserved

2016 - Colors and Critters

28 Sep 2016 7 12 454
Colors and critters of the changing Seasons - Top left- Robins in view from my favorite tree at Pine Hill - Middle - Buddleja hosting an American Lady - Bottom - Toad on brick - Center - on yellow Cosmos - top a busy Carpenter Bee / below - equally Busy Bee - Right - Top - Dark ETS - Middle - Clearwing Moth Bottom - ETS - yellow © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE--

ThreeInARow -

13 Sep 2016 8 24 420
The things one sees - Thank you, SKB - For telling me ''there is a photo-op across the street'' - www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpitvLeNjuE DickM - borrowed your method of creating a title ( thank you ) Black and White with photos of yard flowers inserted for interest ! © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE -- (don't ask me why!)

sunny with a chance of showers ...

02 Aug 2016 10 10 427
Taking advantage of the sunshine .. On yellow False Sunflowers and Buddleja davidii .. Skippers - Crescent and a Cabbage White .. Was planning to post another red Day Lily bloom .. But .. During the night, somebody ate it .. Sigh .. There is one left .. Am tempted to camp out tonight and keep guard over it ! But, it is raining again .. The Deer Cocktail doesn't do any good in the rain .. Will just have to wait and see .. © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE -- - 1 note in upper Left corner of each section -

- from old to new

28 Jul 2016 7 9 343
..making something old into something new ..instead of building new apartments ..Oneida Cotton Mills is being saved ..old bricks and any other materials still useful ..will find a new life here 100+ years old, the structure is being re-purposed into 134 apartments - The Album ReHab of Oneida Cotton Mills shows photos from 2013 - Before it was purchased for this new life - That which was abandoned can find a new life - After jumping through all the red tape / rules an regulations - to have this classified an Historic Building * 1 note in upper Left corner of each section * 2016 Update 28 July .. © All Rights Reserved

skies of blue ..

26 Jul 2016 10 18 351
are a Canvas for re-blooming Red Day Lily - all the Day Lilies had finished, but 'Red' took a break - and started again - have been messing around with trying to get them to re-bloom - the planets must have been lined up ! Chives still blooming and growing to add to salads - Only one Skipper on a very hot day - Did see an Eastern Towhee (m) this morn - but photos taken through the window (as he moved will just go in my file) - But, yesterday - As I stepped out the door (will not post yet) - Realize some do not like Black Racers as I do - A beauty .. honest - And about 4 ft long - So glad to have one in the yard - Cause if there is one, there are more - No, it doesn't take much to excite me - Might put it up as a note pic later - Haven't decided - © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

Elegance on Purple ..

06 Jul 2016 29 31 750
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail ( Papilio glaucus ) .. On purple Buddleja davidii .. Three notes across the top - © All Rights Reserved ** EXPLORE **

She wore Yellow !

23 Jun 2016 11 6 432
to brighten our weekend - getting much needed rain - the Tiger Lily needed it - was going to water her, but the skies opened - Tiger Lil got plenty of water - now, this yellow flower is - a False Sunny - planted seeds 2 yrs ago - ID- False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides) these are my Pamy False Sunflowers - why it took 2yrs to sprout - who knows ?? 1 note © All Rights Reserved

- and so it begins

21 Jun 2016 8 16 398
American robin - Listen below to the song heard as I went out for the newspaper .. www.audubon.org/sites/default/files/AMEROB_1.songnum1_NYle.mp3?uuid=576939d3ee73f © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

445 items in total