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24 Apr 2015 7 6 320
.. for My Friend .. a very talented soul .. who sees this World in all colors .. which includes Black & White (c) All Rights Reserved --- ** 2 notes ** --- - from Wikipedia ''Black is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space. It is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. It is the opposite of white - a balanced combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum. ''

The Family Finch - 2015

24 Apr 2015 4 12 210
''Spring is when life's alive in everything." - Christina Rossetti There will be some small House Finches in the neighborhood ! Welcome ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

Iris on Parade . . . 2015

21 Apr 2015 6 15 241
1- 'Gold digger' -( her proper name) --- 1st Iris to open in 2015 [32-33'' tall ] 2- 'Iris germanica' (her proper name) -- 2nd Iris to open 2015 [ 31 '' tall ] 3 A - 'Dauntless' (her proper name) [ 28 '' tall ] -- both 3 A and 3 B opened same day 3 B - don't know her name [ 32 '' tall ] Elegeance or 'Leprauchan's Purse' It is colorful .. our Inherited ' Garden of Surprises ' -- thank you to the dear Lady who planted these beauties ... (c) All Rights Reserved

They are here !

12 Apr 2015 7 9 306
My Deah Friend, in Oklahoma, told me the Eastern Tiger Swallowtails would get here .. tough to believe when one keeps thinking that North Carolina should be a stop before OK .. Anyhow, (Papilio glaucus) .. aka .. Easter Tiger Swallowtail [ m ] was in the yard .. enjoying Creeping Phlox nectar .. shall set my non-existant watch .. head out the door twice daily .. cause saw the Clearwing Moth again .. two of them .. things are looking up flight-wise .. Thank you, SAB ... (c) All Rights Reserved

Good day to you, too !

11 Apr 2015 3 12 313
These moths fly during the day and hover at flowers while sipping nectar. There are 3 species of Hemaris in North Carolina. Snowberry Clearwings are in the family Sphingidae. - Jeff Pippen www.jeffpippen.com Enjoying the Phlox nectar, this is the first Strawberry Clearwing ( Hemeris diffinis ) spotted this season. Must have been hungry ... a tough one to keep up with ! (c) All Rights Reserved

Pink Power ~

07 Apr 2015 4 9 208
starting as small balls - tightly woven petals upon each other - when it is time - Poof ~ the Pinks are open - they do fade from a deep pink - to a pale one very quickly - Flowering Almond Shrub -- (c) All Rights Reserved

- Junco

04 Apr 2015 5 6 289
The dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis) is the best-known species of the juncos, a genus of small grayish American sparrows. .. dark eyed Junco with pink beak .. on the deck enjoying Brunch (c) All Rights Reserved en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark-eyed_junco

. . . stages

03 Apr 2015 7 12 361
of a Dogwood - bracts [ usually four ] hold the Dogwood-flowers-to-be - now, they look like peas in a cup - gradually they open - revealing white, pink or red bracts - very small yellow flowers will be in the center - (c) All Rights Reserved statesymbolsusa.org/North_Carolina/NC-state-symbols.html From the mountains to the coast, the Dogwood tree can be seen in North Carolina US .. colors from white to pink to red, bloom in early Spring into Summer. The flower (Cornus florida) was declared the State Flower Of NC in 1941.

Doubles ..

03 Apr 2015 2 4 316
Daffodils - double frills - shades of lemon - to deep yellow - don't recall these from last year - will have to check the Archives - just when I think the Daffs are about finished - another shows her glory ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

.. life is music

02 Apr 2015 3 8 265
music is life .. music puts one in touch with a deeper part of your soul .. Wednesday Open Mic Jam at Lyrics .. from top Left - Walt Akiston - harmonica Travelin Jones duo with Dan and Don - bottom photo - Bad Penny with Ron, Walt and Gwen - and on electric guitar, Mike-Just-Mike Center - Gwen's guitar Bass Uke of Richard G - Ron's new guitar - yes, it was a very good night - how can you not have one with friends and music ? (c) All Rights Reserved

on music ..

01 Apr 2015 7 10 248
Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing .. - Lord Erskin (c) All Rights Reserved

Daff Family ..

31 Mar 2015 3 4 206
only one isn't in my Inherited Garden of Surprises - 2015 .. different stages of beauty .. intense color .. to fading glory .. then, there is that other relative .... (c) All Rights Reserved

Another Link .. guitar sign to guitars being playe…

27 Mar 2015 4 8 300
Just Music - Wednesday Open Mic Jam - brings different souls together - to share - Music - computer geeks doctors lawyers CPAs carpenters truck drivers students and some pro musicians touching just the surface of musical souls who come together Keeping the Music Alive ! (c) All Rights Reserved

What's in a name ?

26 Mar 2015 3 8 362
volunteers - wildflowers - weeds - does it really matter - a friend once said " a weed is something you didn't plant" .. well, that does describe the yard - not planted, but these are welcome - for their miniature beauty - (c) All Rights Reserved

The Lady ..

21 Mar 2015 4 8 253
who lives in the Fir tree .. took advantage of the sun to splash .. thanks to Pam J for the ID .. knew Purple Finches lived in the Fir last year .. but only saw the males .. with their bright raspberry coloring .. Ms Purple Finch -- thank you for making my day ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

from warmth ..

19 Mar 2015 4 15 342
and sunshine - to raindrops and much cooler temperatures - the Daffs lift their faces toward the rays of the sun - basking in the warmth - that envelops petals and frilly skirts - yet, they still reach toward the raindrops - even chilly - for if you have sun - you must have rain - it is in the Law of Mother Nature - © All Rights Reserved

Almost ..

17 Mar 2015 5 8 302
a mirror image .. original photo on Left side .. flipped to the Right .. done in PicMonkey .. got to work on getting them lined up .. But .. yesterday, these were buds .. today .. Lady Daffs in frilly petticoats .. seek the sunshine ! (c) All Rights Reserved

Rainy day Daffs . . .

14 Mar 2015 4 6 277
to help the blooming kick into high gear .. but, tis a bit chilly out .. so, quick .. snap .. back inside .. dry off the camera .. and me .. ** 1 note ** (c)AllRightsReserved

445 items in total