I'm here !

Beauty .. in flowers

.. Aster
.. Azalea / pink
.. Buddleja davidii/Butterfly shrub
.. Candy Tuft
.. Carolina Primrose
bloom in day-close at night -
.. Chives
.. Clematis [ Kardynal Wyszynski ]
.. Common Pyxie-moss
.. Coral Bells
.. Cosmos - orange 2016
.. Crepe Myrtle
.. Creeping Phlox
.. Crocus
.. Daffodils
.. Dandelions
.. Daisy - Marguerites
.. Daylily/orange ( Tawney Lily )
.. Daylily/yellow ( Golden P…  (read more)

02 May 2021

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252 visits

The Three of Us ....

The Dancer [ sometimes she is called Gold Digger ] Peach Fluff Party Gal - All named by this gardener since I only know they are Heritage Iris, but if one goes to 5 different places in search of a name, one gets 5 different names ! So, they have been named as I see them and as they make me feel. 3 PiP

28 Apr 2021

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203 visits

Down The Road

A garden tended by a Gentleman Gardner .. Not My Garden .. NMG Down The Road .. Such a colorful pleasure .. Several PiP (6) .. In yellow and red - some white .. But a Joy to visit and to share with y'all .. “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” Nelson Mandela Our Hopes are for our Friend Andy to slowly heal .. we are waiting, patiently for you.. Pictures for Andy

27 Apr 2021

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209 visits

Collage of Color 2021

From the delicate pastel orange of Peach Fluff Iris - To the bold Formosa Azalea in and out of shadows - And the Dauntless Iris - To A Carolina Sky Of Blue - Canvas for a Mock Orange - Colorful and Aromatic Yard 3 PiP across the top

06 Apr 2021

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207 visits

.. almost

.. time to go out and weed those 'fern-looking- things .. they are leaves of Yarrow plants .. get tall and gangly looking .. self-seeding and look quite out of place .. if I don't pull some out while they are still in the 'fern-looking' stage .. will wait until it warms up a bit .. then will do. Oh, the flowers are Creeping Phlox

28 Mar 2021

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213 visits

Sisters Daff ..

with Wild Violets in the background .. It has been a great Bloomin' Season .. So Far ! Another Link in the Chain -- from orange flower to yellow

26 Mar 2021

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174 visits

Beauty in a small package ..

Flowering Almond begins a a tightly wound ball of petals .. Gradually opening to reveal small, delicate blooms of pink which fade to white .. Watching this process of Mother Nature is a Wonder to behold .. 7 PiP

23 Mar 2021

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179 visits

“The hope, in dreams of a happier hour, That alights on misery’s brow, Springs forth like the silvery almond flower, That blooms on a leafless bough.”

.... Thomas Moore Flowering Almond Shrub comes in this shade of pink as well a a pale - almost white color --- these small buds explode on leafless branches into a Welcome Spring ! Explore/Gallery

11 Mar 2021

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219 visits

For your pleasure ..

Multi-layered Daffodil .. Also called Rip Van Winkle .. Only a few.. Grouping of four .. Then ! The 2021 Parade Of Daffs .. 3 PiP Explore / Gallery

02 Mar 2021

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222 visits

Dreaming in color ...

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” Frances Hodgson Burnett Yellow Crocus out front ... they always give me a smile .. Her sisters are also blooming .. 2 PiP EXPLORED
606 items in total